Chapter 3: The Captain's Daughter

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Jack, (Y/n) and Captain Teague sat at a table in a secluded corner of the pub, while all the other members laughed and drank themselves into a coma.

"It's good to see you again Captain Teague." (Y/n) said, as she placed three mugs of rum onto the table.

Teague smiled at her. "It's good to see you as well my dear. I see Jackie has managed to keep you around." He joked.

He then turned to his son. "I heard your putting together a crew."

"If enough people keep saying it, it must be true." Jack replied, throwing his arm around (Y/n)'s shoulders.

"I heard where you're headed. The Fountain."

"Have you been there?" Jack asked.

Teague gestured to himself. "Does this face look like it's been to the Fountain of Youth?"

Jack shifted awkwardly in his spot. "Depends on the light."

(Y/n) lightly smacked his chest.

"Son, the Fountain. There'll be items required for the profane ritual. Two chalices. Two. Silver. From the Prince de Leon ship. You'll need both."

Jack looked confused. "For?"

"The ritual. Don't be a fool, Jackie. Find out every detail before you set sail." Teague instructed.

"Oh, set sail. Love to. But for that, I may need a ship." Jack pointed out.

"Those folk, over there, they have a ship." Teague nodded his head over to a group of people in a corner who were singing and playing instruments. "They're signing up sailors right now."

Jack and (Y/n) glanced over at the group of people, analyzing them.

"And one last thing Jackie." They turned back to face Teague. "The Fountain will test you two. Mark my words. Be careful."

Jack and (Y/n) nodded in understanding. Teague lifted up his mug and the two clinked their glasses with his, and drank their drinks.

Jack discreetly glanced to (Y/n) and saw her looking over at the people singing in the corner. Seeing that she was distracted, Jack slowly leaned towards a plant by their table and dumped the rest of his rum into the plant.

"Oh dear, it seems the rum is gone already. Darling, would you be a dear and get me another drink." Jack requested.

(Y/n) looked back over at him and his empty mug. "You know, I'm starting to think you don't even taste the rum anymore with how fast you go through it." She joked, taking his mug and getting up from the table.

Jack watched her, more specifically her stern, as she walked away. Once he was sure she was out of earshot he looked to his father.

"I need to ask you something." He said a bit urgently.

"What is it Jackie?" Teague asked in interest. He wondered what could be so secretive that even (Y/n) couldn't hear about it.

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