Chapter 24

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The ride to the hospital took longer than expected. The area surrounding Midtown High was shut down for investigation and most roads leading out of Queens were blocked off. The lizard had apparently escaped from the school and was wandering somewhere in the city.

The streets were swarming with officers, desperately searching for the creature. The sun had set an hour ago, allowing the police lights that were shining in the darkness of the night to create a halo effect around the city. Colors of red and blue swirled in the air, illuminating the cold autumn air.

The Emergency Room was bustling with activity. People were in a panic, crying and screaming at the hospital employees who were trying their best to keep everyone calm. Lisa guided Eddie and me into one of the examining rooms and sat with us for a few minutes, making sure I was settled before leaving to find my mother.

"Sit tight," Lisa said as she leaned on the doorframe. "I'll be back in a few minutes with your mom so she can take care of that," she said, nodding to the gash on my head.

I nodded my head slowly and lowered my gaze to the floor as she left the room. I let my legs swing over the side of the examining table as I stared at Eddie.

He was leaning against the counter with his arms crossed, staring blankly at the wall.

I couldn't quite get a read for what he was thinking but decided it was probably best not to ask.

We sat in uncomfortable silence, neither one of us making an effort to fill the quiet space. Finally, after what felt like hours, Eddie cleared his throat.

"You're bleeding through your bandage," he sighed, pushing himself off of the counter. He turned around, grabbed some fresh gauze, and strolled over to where I was sitting. "Can I?" he asked, motioning toward my head.

I said nothing, but nodded slightly, permitting him to change my bandage.

His hands slowly trailed over my skin, careful to not apply too much pressure in an effort to not cause me more pain. His eyebrows furrowed as he concentrated on his task, avoiding my eye contact.

I watched his face, examining the lines on his skin contracting and softening as he continued his work. "Hey," I said quietly, "did you ever talk to your friend and get on that list?"

Eddie closed his eyes. "You're seriously asking me about that right now?" he sighed, shaking his head.

"I- yeah," I exhaled, pulling my eyebrows together. "I am."

Eddie pressed his lips together tightly and let out an unamused breath as he continued to shake his head. "Let me get this straight," he stated as his hands fell from my head, resting on either side of where I was seated on the examining table. He leaned forward and narrowed his eyes, his face only mere inches away from mine. "You were just attacked by that fucking lizard thing and you're asking if I was able to talk to the driver today?"

My eyes scanned over his harsh features while I nodded my head.

"You're unbelievable, Jay," he scoffed, lowering his head. "You know that?"

"Well," I said slowly, shaking my head. "Did you?"

"No," he snapped, lifting his head quickly. He bit his lower lip as he pushed off of the table and away from me. "Nelson couldn't get me on the list. He tried, but the clearance had to come from a hospital supervisor."

"Nelson? Is that his name?" I asked, a smile tugging at my lips. I knew he'd let the name slip eventually. "So what's your plan for getting in to talk to the driver?" I questioned, looking out the room window that led into the busy hospital. "I bet we could sneak up there and talk to him now. The officers were probably called away to help with the search."

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