Chapter 20

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I made my way through the abandoned, musty warehouse, searching for any clues of criminal endeavors. So far, the only thing I had found worth noting was a copy of last week's newspaper, indicating that someone had been inside the building recently. Although, I wasn't too sure it was criminals that had been occupying the space.

The warehouse was located in a pretty busy part of town, making it difficult for someone to come in or exit the warehouse without being seen by one of the many people walking the streets. If this was a hotspot for illegal activity, they were doing a good job at hiding any signs of life. I tried to keep my cool as I explored the warehouse. It was a difficult task to not go into a full-on panic attack each time a dark shadow was cast across the wall or floor from the setting sun outside.

I was approaching a large glass room, most likely an office, that was located at the end of a long hallway. The room had frosted windows and appeared to be dark inside. I cautiously strolled up to the door, my hand hovering above the rusted handle, hesitating as I heard whispers coming from somewhere inside the room. I quickly crouched down below the glass and pressed my ear against the wall, hoping to make out what the voices were saying.

"You're sure you got them off our trail?" a man's voice growled.

"As I stated, my employer has ensured us the situation is being handled," a familiar cold man's voice stated.

"Your employer doesn't take the fall for this if we get caught," a third man's voice sneered.

I looked up, flinching backward as a tall shadow cascaded over the frosted glass above where I was resting on the ground.

"If they find out we are operating out of this building, Mr.-"

"Ah, ah. We do not speak his name."

"Your boss will have more to worry about than the three of us mumbling his name in private if we're discovered."

"My employer has plenty to worry about with masked vigilantes running around this city disrupting his operations."

"You still haven't figured out who these freaks are?"

"We're working on it."

"If they figure out what we're doing here-"

"No one will discover that this warehouse was ever in operation. Our men have cleared out the space and relocated to a more secure location."

"You better be right about that."

"Go take a look around if you have doubts about my employer's ability to clean up shop."

"I- I never said I doubted him."

"Really? Because it sure sounded like you were questioning whether we would be discovered here."

"There were cops swarming the place a few hours ago."

"And are they here now? No. We have a few of them on our bankroll. I assure you, they will not be sniffing around this building again. But to be on the safe side, we have relocated your supplies to a secure location. One that has less...foot traffic, if you will."

"Tell Mr.- extend our thanks to your employer."

"Gladly. Now can we please get out of this shit hole? I'd be happy to take you to your new base of operations."

"Yeah, fine. Lead the way."

"Gentlemen, follow me."

My heart rate started to increase rapidly as the shadows danced over the glass, making their way toward the door. I panicked, looking behind my shoulder at the long hallway, scanning for anything to hide my presence from the men who were about to exit the room. Shit. There's nothing. If I run fast enough, maybe I can make it to the end of the hallway and hide somewhere in the shadows.

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