Chapter 26

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Beth's POV

"Who were you on the phone too? You were speaking for quite a long time." Leah asks.
"And at one point you looked deathly panicked." Lotte continues.
"Speaking to Viv and Tiana." I say.
"Why were you looking panicked though?" Leah asks following on from Lottes question. I look around to make sure no one is around as we're trying to keep this quite secret.
"I'm going to look panicked if I find out some guy tried to grab my daughter." I whisper.
"God is she ok?" Lotte asks worried.
"Thankfully. Some security was there and saw what was happening. They had to get escorted by security through out the rest of the airport though." I say worry still clear in my voice. I'm normally the fun bubbly loud character but right now I am terrified. I know she's fine but what if something like that happens again. I really need to get her that guard dog fast. Leah and Lotte both hug me. Then so does Jordan when she comes round the corner.
"Group hug?" She asks.
"Some guy tried to take Tiana." I say. Jordan hugs me and I hug back. Gosh no matter how annoying these girls were sometimes they were also my best friends!
"Is she ok?" Jordan asked.
"Mhm. Glad viv was there and so was security." I say.
"That girl needs a private bodyguard." Jordan jokes.
"I know. That's why me and viv are planning on getting her a guard dog." I say.
"Yoo that's cool." Leah says.
"I know!" I reply. Then Ella  comes round the corner making me shut up.
"Hurry up guys. They won't wait for ever!" Ella said signalling towards the table tennis tournament.
"Be right there." Lotte says causing Ella to turn around and go back in.
"You okay to play? You don't have to." Leah says to me. I appreciated her kindness but I need something to take my fear out and besides Tiana would kill me if I didn't play because of a 'minor' inconvenience. Her words not mine.
"Nah I'm not only playing. I'm winning this shit show!" I say earning laughter from Jordan.  Then me and the girls make our way inside.
"You ok mate?" Millie asks as we walk in.
"Am now." I reply giving her the look that I'll explain later.

2 hours later and this tournament is still going on. It's me in the final against either Lucy or Millie. There playing now and they're both good but my moneys on Luce.
"GO ON MILLS!" Rach shouts.
"COME ON LUCE!" Jordan shouts.
"Shut up Jords I'm trying to concentrate." Lucy responds calm as anything.
And that's it. Millie Bright..... just lost to Lucy Bronze!
"Your on Bronze." I say to Lucy as I go up and shake her hand.
"Not right now girls I'm afraid." Sarina buts in as she walks through the door.
"Ladies listen up. Pack your things quick we're heading to Australia tonight." Sarina speaks.
All the girls look at each over weirdly but Leah is the first to speak.
"Sarina what happened I thought we were travelling tomorrow?" She asks.
"Nothing too bad it's just the flight tomorrow was cancelled so I managed to get a private jet for tonight but not any other day. So tonight it is." Sarina says "now hurry up ladies!" She follows up. Everyone scrambles to their room and packs their bags. I shoot a quick text to viv so she understands why I don't answer my phone then we meet downstairs and we're off on our World Cup adventure.

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