Chapter #13

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We all finally reach the headmistress' office together and go inside. I close the door while sighing quietly, as Steven follows me in. We both start looking everywhere. We open drawers, look through folders, notebooks and we even look in her books. There is no trace of the key. Just before I give up in despair, Steven discovers a small box hidden behind her safe. Unfortunately, the box is locked. I try to pry it open with my nails but I can't. My only solution is to take it with me, so I quietly put it in my backpack, as Steven and I head outside to join the others.

"We found a small box! Maybe the key is inside!" I say with enthusiasm.

"I sure hope so." Jim shrugs.

"Quick, we don't have time! Let's go back!" Brianna signals us, to leave.

I nod in agreement and quickly follow her.

The whole time we are walking back to our dorms, Steven and Nate keep on staring at me. *I hope it's not about what I think it is. Could it be that they are rivals, because of-* My thoughts are interrupted by a very loud thud. Mike manages to successfully trip himself up, this time and I run back, to help him. Nate gets ahead of me though and picks him up, holding him carefully, as the two of them walk.

"Mike, what are you doing? Be more careful!" Brianna protests.

"I'm sorry! These are not my shoes, for investigations!" Mike talks back.

"No, you're just very clumsy!" she replies.

"Shh! Enough, be quiet now!" Steven whisper-yells, at them.

Mike rolls his eyes and continues limping back to his room.

-Time skip-

I'm in my room right now, looking for something to unlock the box with. *When you need a key, to unlock another key. What nonsense!* I'm tired of looking, but I have no other choice. I've gone too far with this case, I'm not going to quit, now. I find a thin hairpin and hope it will work like it does, in movies. I try it with a smile on my face, but alas, nothing happens. I throw myself on the bed in disappointment. Just then my phone rings and I see, that it's Miss Devon.

I pick up the phone with hope and greet her. She asks me how the investigation is going and if I have any new information about the case. I say that we have found a box which might contain the key and I'm trying to open it. Miss Devon sounds happy and tells me she's found out something. While searching for information she's noticed a very strange letter in my grandfather's papers. It says that he must take care of the school, as it is his duty. *Did my grandfather ever own the school? Is that why they sent me here?* Miss Devon says she doesn't know any details, but if she learns anything new she'll call me right away. I thank her and hang up hoping for the same.

At that moment I hear a knock on my door and I respond. I see Steven come in and invite him to sit next to me on the bed. He hesitantly pulls himself, close to me and says:

"I think, this might work." he hands me a small, metal wire.

"Are you sure? Where did you find it." I reply, taking it.

"I think it's from my old belt, either way it's worth a try." he says, beaming a smile.

"Sure, let me get the box." I agree, getting up.

Since Steven is here with me right now, I decide to ask him a question that has been bothering me for a quite some time.

"By the way Steven, why are you so determined to help me? Out of curiosity or do you also know something about the case?" I ask him directly.

"Out of curiosity, and because I like spending time with you." he answers, looking at me in the eyes

"Really? We're not even that close, don't you think?" I say, turning around.

"I wish we were closer, to be honest." he replies, barely audible.

"And why is that? Do you know something I don't?" I ask doubtfully, as I hand him the box. "You should unlock it."

"No, I just think I like you." he says, as the lock makes a sound.

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