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My parents went to the other side of the globe because of our family business. They told me they would be back in a few months, but things there have gotten seriously complicated. During that time I was left with my grandfather and stayed with him for about half a year, but then he suddenly passed. The housekeeper who was helping me and grandpa decided that there was nothing else to do but send me to a boarding school since I couldn't go back home alone without my parents or another relative of mine.

Traveling for the first time outside the borders of my hometown, I found myself in a very mystical place. The school in question did not look ordinary at all, it was very old and looked like a castle. At the same time, it seemed abandoned as if no one had taken care of it in years. Walking in I felt like I've visited this place before, even though that's not possible. At the same time, I acted like I knew where everything was located.

I am worried I might not get used to the new environment here. I have never been separated from my family for such a long time before. I still don't even know how my grandfather passed away so suddenly, I feel like they are all trying to hide something from me by sending me here. Who knows?

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