Chapter #9

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As Steven and I head towards the office, I hear lots of loud noises. I see a crowd of teachers gathered around Jacob and assume that he has been exposed. The point is, it doesn't look like it, at all.
I try to make my way through the mass and see Jacob holding my necklace in his hand. I try, to snatch it away from him, when suddenly he says:

"I saw it in Derek's backpack, when he asked me to give him his notebook. Supposedly, he's found it outside and wanted to sell it." Jacob carefully explains.

"Are you sure, he didn't steal it, instead?" asks, Miss Banks.

"I am, he wouldn't do such a thing. After all, I know him well enough." he responds.

*He's such a liar! How can everyone believe him, what a manipulator!*

"Thank you so much, for assisting us Jacob! You really deserve to be the council's president!" says, Mr. Davidson.

"No problem, I thank you, for trusting me, as always! Now where is she-
Oh, Clara! Here you are! I found your necklace." Jacob says, handing it to me.

"Thank you." I say quietly, looking away.

"Well, now let's all go back to class!"
says, Miss Banks.

Suddenly, everyone leaves the hallway and I'm standing here, frozen in place. *Something is wrong here. How did Jacob manage to save himself from the situation? It's not fair, he should get expelled, for stealing from me!* Disappointed and upset, I go towards the classroom and put the necklace around my neck so that it doesn't disappear, again. I won't ever take it off. At least, it is where it belongs.*

-Time skip-

It's time for bed and Brianna is in the bathroom getting ready. I decide to call Miss Devon, in the meantime and tell her about everything, that has happened in the last few days. I will also ask her for advice, on what I should do. I want to expose Jacob and find out why he stole from me. *What was he trying to achieve and how did he manage to lie to everyone? Also who is Derek and does he even know he got blamed for everything?* I lay here, wondering exactly how to explain everything, so that I have enough time to act. I hope to find a solution to all of problems, soon.

-Time skip-

Luckily for me, we won't be having our first class today and I have time to work on my plan. When I spoke to Miss Devon last night she asked me if I had any allies. She asked me if I could count on anyone here and told me to find people to investigate the case with. She also told me not to involve any of the teachers, unless I really have to. As I'm pondering, I finally remember what Steven had told me yesterday. Maybe I can trust him after all. I'm currently walking towards his office, and I'm thinking of telling him everything.

Standing, in front of his door I take a deep breath and then knock. He answers and I go inside.

"Are you busy? Can we talk about something?" I ask him, quietly.

"No, of course I'm not! What is it?" he says, turning around.

"I don't know how you'll react, to what I'm about to tell you, but it's time for you to know the truth!" I blurt out.

"What do you mean? Is it about your necklace? I thought you had found it." Steven, walks towards me.

"Not really, Jacob gave it to me, but he's also the one who stole it!" I say, looking up at him.

"What!? He would never do such a thing!" he says in shock.

"Hear me out! I saw it in his safe, a while ago! I'm sure he has something to do with it, disappearing!" I try to explain.

"But Jacob is not the type to steal. Are you sure, that was your necklace?" Steven asks me.

"A hundred percent! You said, you wanted to be there for me, right? Please believe me!" I continue.

"That's true, but even if he was involved, how can we prove it?" he scratches, the back of his neck.

"You're one of his closest friends, please try to collect some sort of information, about the case." I ask him, nicely.

"I'll try, but I don't promise any results. Don't get discouraged." Steven replies.

"It's fine, as long as I know, you're at least willing to try," I say.

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