Chapter #3

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I seem to have stared at him for quite a long time as I almost step on his foot by accident. Surprisingly, he turns out to have quick reflexes and immediately manages to avoid this embarrassing situation. He turns me to the other side and we continue to dance. I'm just thinking of starting a conversation with him when it's time to switch our partners again.

Suddenly I find myself in front of Brianna and decide to question her about the mysterious boy.

"Hey, do you happen to know who's the boy behind me?" I lean in to whisper quietly.

"Him? Oh yeah, that's Nathaniel. His friends call him Nate for short." she answers trying to remember.

"I see, thanks I've been wondering that for a while now." I say.

"No problem, shall we return to our table?" she offers to me.

"Sure, let's go." I agree as we both go back.

-Time skip-

I wake up to the sound of birds chirping outside. My room's window is slightly open and fresh air comes in from outside. It seems that the sun has just risen, since it's not yet so bright. I look at the clock in front of me and see that I've woken up before my alarm. I decide to get up and get ready for the day.

Coming out of the bathroom, I see that Brianna is also already awake. She goes in to take a shower while I change my clothes. Then we both head out together to go to our first class which is history.
On our way there we are met by a teacher who claims that she urgently needs to talk to Brianna about some project.

"You go to class, Clara. I will see you later." she says leaving with the teacher.

*I would go there, if I knew where the classroom was." Standing lost and stranded, in the middle of the hallway, I decide to go in some direction after all, and see where my path will take me. At one point, the corridor ends and I find myself in front of an office. I decide to knock but hear no response. Seeing that the door is unlocked I venture to enter inside, in case I've found the history room. Going inside, I find myself in a study full of shelves, piled with many books. In the corner there is a table with two chairs and next to them appears to be a huge mirror. For some reason I decide to go in front of the mirror and lose track of time. *I like my brown hair, but should I dye it blonde one day?* At that moment, I hear the small door behind me, slowly open.

"Like what you see?" says Steven, pointing at my reflection.

"Steven? What are you doing here?" I mutter out.

"I would ask you the same thing, since this is my office." he responds, coming closer.

"Your office? Sorry I didn't know you had one in the first place. I was searching for the history room." I try to explain.

"I do have one, indeed. I'm the vice president after all, I thought you knew that." Steven looks down at me.

"No I didn't, I guess now I do." I look away avoiding eye contact.

*Why is this whole situation so awkward? I'll miss my class, and it's only my first day.*

"You sure do, also the history room is on the third floor, the last room on the right." he says, while someone barges into the room.

"Steven, James is searching for you everywhere- I'm sorry, am I interrupting something?" Nate says in a heartbeat.

"Not really, is it something important?"
Steven asks.

"Well sort of, I think you should just find out on your own." he answers, while panting.

"I better get to class, see you later!" I excuse myself, as I sprint out the door.

-Time skip-

After our class ends, I make the decision to walk around the school and explore it a little. As I walk, I see Nathaniel walking around again and talking to himself. This time I'm determined to go talk to him and find out what on earth is going on here. I go up to him and tap him on the shoulder.

"Excuse me, you're Nathaniel right?" I say, with a smile.

"I am, can I help you with something?" he scratches the nape of his neck.

"I've seen you before a couple of times, but I never got to introduce myself. I'm Clara, nice to meet you." I shake his hand.

"Hey Clara, Steven told me about you. You're a new student here I believe." he looks at me, with his light hazel eyes.

"I am, I transferred here yesterday."
I respond.

"Well in that case, if you need help you can ask me anything, since I'm a part of the student council." Nate says proudly.

"You too? Is that why you're so close with Steven? I ask, curiously.

"That's right. He's our vice president, as you probably already know. We're five guys in total. I'm the youngest, but also the tallest." he says, whispering the last part and smirking.

"Oh, good to know then." I chuckle quietly.

"Would you like me to give you a tour of the school, by the way?" he asks.

"Thanks, sounds great." I respond with a smile.

The secret in my heartحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن