Amusement Park

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So me and makaylaherron were thinking that there should be a Once Upon a Time amusement park!!!

The 5 rides (so far):
1. Chipped Teacups- There would be spinning teacups with that specific chip and in the middle there would be Belle and Rumple standing next to each other
2. Mine- It would be like the mines in the town and there would be realistic robots of the dwarves swinging their axes and you would hear them whistling and sometimes Leroy would say,"Come on boys lets go to Granny's and get us a drink."
3. The battles- It would be a fast roller coaster and you can see Snow White fighting with a knight and Regina's fire balls coming at you but they never hit you and Rumple yelling at Belle and Rumple in his cage underneath the castle
4. Hook's Ship- So Hook's Ship will be in a good sized clean lake and you can get on it and it will take you around the lake. You can see Ariel, mermaids, Ursula, Poseidon, and the Siren with a knife in her stomach (with no blood tho cuz of kids) around the lake.
5. Cruella's cars- Cruella's cars like the one in the show where you get in and it's a roller coaster that goes around most of the park so you can see everything and your up above the ground so the roller coaster can't hit anyone obviously

Places to eat (so far)
1. Granny's: A replica of Granny's but obviously Ruby and Granny won't be there since it's not really Storybrook with all the characters
2. A restaurant- A restaurant to eat at that just has different foods then Granny's and you can also eat there when Granny's is too packed. At the restaurant there will be an OUAT playground with the beanstalk that kids can climb on and swings like in the part where Henry was on so they can do something there
3. Tacos- Just taco shops around the park

Just places in Storybrook that are now in the amusement park
1. Belle's library- Belle's library and in the library you can buy books about Once Upon a Time and Henry's book but blank so you can write your own story or an exact replica of the book
2. The clock tower- The clock tower but only shows the time as 8:15
3. Mr. Gold's shop- You can buy souvenirs here

1. Ogres- Some ogres around the park but not too many
2. Apple Tree- Regina's apple tree with a chainsaw next to it
3. Adam and Eddie- A statue of Adam and Eddie in the front of the amusement park

1. Pongo's Litter- A place where you can play and pet dogs at a park and no they aren't yours they are the ones that live at the park. All of the dogs are dalmatians and there's about 10-15 of them in the dog park area
2. Pinocchio's Woodshop- Pinocchio at his Woodshop with his dad and a motorcycle out front

Who thinks that this amusement park just has to happen because I do

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