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Emma is the Dark One??!?!?!?! Are the writers trying to kill everyone who watches this show?? (I feel bad for the ppl who don't watch it😅) Why Emma? Why did they have to make her go dark?? Hook better save her I mean she told him to and then she told him that she loves him for the first time ever!! I loved that CaptainSwan moment but I hated what happened right after😤😭 Emma is the Savior not the Dark One

And now Henry is the author which is pretty cool but it just doesn't seem like something that fits with Henry's character. So many things happened in this season finale and of course like with almost every episode there was a cliffhanger but this one is huge!!

And now we can't watch it for 4 months!! I have no idea what to do with my life besides what @believe_inmagic said which is to watch it all over again but that won't help me for all the months cause I'll probably finish it all again in a week or 2. One time I finished it in 5 days.

Season 4 finale = emotion roller coaster

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