Chapter 10: Aria flies high (Special)

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I walked to Hibiki-sama's office.

It was the first time I went to her office without my friends accompanying.

I could do it.

I took a deep breath.




My heart was beating fast. I knocked the door as a second later, her bulter Ando-san opened it.

- "Welcome, Manaka Laala." - Hibiki-sama swiveled in her chair to see me.

- "Hibiki-sama. I have a request."

- "Do tell."

- "Please watch my debut live."

- "Debut? Didn't you debut a year ago?"

- "Nope. You will know by tomorrow. 4pm tomorrow. I will show you." - I smiled as I walked out of the room, not forgetting to bow to her.

- "Very well. Show me your true self, Manaka Laala."

I could feel her smirk, but I didn't turn back.


I asked Meganee-san as she opened a brand shop for me inside PriPara only. A Star-type brand Dreaming Girl.

I came to PriPara in Aria form.

Before that, I told my friends that I wouldn't participate in Winter Dream Idol Grand Prix so I didn't go to PriPara for a while, as Laala.

Yet they come to my brand shop. It looked like they liked the coords I designed. I showed them my enthusiasm for designing, eyes sparkling.

I felt relax.

I felt free.

For the first time since I created Laala's Idol persona.

I wanted to fly. To a place where I could be shining more than before.

Hibiki-sama, watch me!

- "Girls, I will have my debut live later. Welcome to see it!" - I smiled.

- "Of course." - They replied to me.

I wondered what would they think of my performance...

- "But, this must comes first. Fuwa!" - I called my manager, as she flew to me, bring six Pritickets with her, "These are my presents. Thanks for coming to my shop."

I gave each of them a Priticket containing the outfit fitting them. The last one was for... myself, as Manaka Laala.

- "And this is for your teammate, Laala-san." - I gave Mirei the last PriTicket.

- "Thank you-pri."

- "See you later." - I waved to them as I dropped my masks.

"Sorry... Girls... I know you will hate me after you know all the truth, but I want to be free."


3:30 pm. The hologrammation turned the bright sky into a dark night sky full of clouds. I was about to have my own debut live. I asekd Meganii-san to set up the PriPara TV Rooftop Special Stage just like the one I had when Falulu's system was frozen.

I remembered. It was the stage where Solami Dressing won against Falulu. And woke her up from the eternal sleep.

And today, it would be the stage for me to shine!

Become a Princess just for you (Hibiki x Laala)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora