Chapter 2: Changing myself

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It had been a few weeks since I started changing myself.

I had learnt a lot of new things.

Playing guitar.

Designing outfits and creating my original brand.

Completing my new image in Pripara.

I had a lot of fun.

I wondered if he could take notice of me, even if just for a second...

I wanted to be a perfect princess for him...

What was this feelings???


I'd never been loved by anyone...

I've never loved anyone...

Romantically of course...

I loved him? Or it was just my wish to become a princess?

I didn't know anymore.


Summer Dream Idol Grand Prix started.

Fuwari-chan rejected the princess candidate and teamed up with me and Dressing Pafe. She said that she didn't want to be anything but her own self. 

She was the opposite of me then.

I wanted to be a princess for Hibiki-sama. Even if I had to throw my true self away.

I declared to myself when Dressing Flower started the performance: "Everyone, I will be a princess!"

Hibiki-sama, would you watch my performance??? I guessed you did. You watched the performace for Fuwari-chan, right?

How painful my heart was when I knew it.

But at least I had a small chance to become his princess.

A small one, indeed.

He was looking at Sophie and Shion.


I bit my lips to prevent myself from crying out or making unladylike speaking. I was feeling unwell. 

But... Who was I to be loved by him? To be his princess? I was never worthy...

At least I would be suitable for him when I entered Pripara with my new form.

That was what I wished.

If he didn't even look at that form, then I would never have a chance.

I didn't know.

I didn't know anymore.


Our SDPC were stolen the moment we finished our performance. A mysterious figure appeared above the stage, calling themselves Thieving Genius and revealing they have stolen the coord.

That aura... That voice... Those eyes...

Could he be...

But he was a boy... How could he enter PriPara? Well, Leona was a boy and he could enter... So no problem with him entering PriPara then.

- "This coord is not for those who are undeserving to wear it."

- "We're all friends? We're all idols?" - He laughed, "That way of thinking here in PriPara ends today."

- "Starting tomorrow, Pripara will no longer be for playing at being friends, but for measuring raw ability. Friends will fall to the wayside, and instead you'll be facing off as enemies."

I remembered all his words. He had a point. Just like what I was doing. Joining Dressing Flower, leaving Mirei and Sophie, even just for the Grand Prix. 


I didn't have any talents. I wasn't a prodigy either. Unlike Sophie, I didn't have a beautiful voice. Unlike Shion, I didn't have excellent dancing. Neither did I have a brillant aura. 

I was just useless as Manaka Laala.

I decided.

I would enter PriPara with new form.

Long violet hair, going till the bottom of the back. It was divided as little stands of hair, attached from the middle with two ribbons each.

Purple eyes with pink reflect.

- "Welcome to PriPara. What's your name?"

- "I'm... My name's Aria." 

~ End chapter 2 ~

~ End chapter 2 ~

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