Thirty Five London and you

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"Everleigh? Oh my God! What are you

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"Everleigh? Oh my God! What are you......How did you.....You're here!!!" I wasted no time in wrapping my arms around the vision in front of me and picking her up off the ground and spinning her around a few times. I can't believe she actually came and I can't believe Brad and Victoria kept it a secret. I grab her hand and take her inside my dressing room, so excited that she's actually here. She's here and she's about to meet my Mum and my sister.

Jeff walks over to greet her and gives her a warm hug as do Mitch and Sarah. I pull her away and she's by my side as we make our way over to Mum.

"Mum, this is Everleigh." I introduce the two and I can see the blush form across Ever's cheeks. She reaches her hand out and Mum stands and pulls her into a hug instead. She tells Everleigh that she's heard so much about her and how kind it was of her to surprise me. Gemma walks over and I make the introduction to her and she and Everleigh hug as well. It's making my heart do flips to see her with my family.

"Wanna join me for soundcheck?" I turn to her and ask.

"I'd love to." She smiles broadly at me.

Hand in hand we walk down the hall and make our way to the arena area. I tell her to watch from anywhere and that it won't take long. Mitch and Sarah both tell me privately how happy they are to see her here and that it's nice to see me smile for the first time in a while. Her presence has lifted my entire mood. We run through a few songs and it's funny that I'm nervous. I do this constantly but this is only the second time she's seen me in my element and the first time since we've been together as a couple. She sits and watches me and her smile makes me forget some of the lyrics and I'm an absolute mess. By the time soundcheck has ended everyone is teasing me about forgetting lyrics and being an idiot.

I take a seat next to her in one of the front row chairs. "I still can't believe you came. I'm so happy you're here." I pull her into my arms for another hug.

"I'm sorry I didn't give you a heads up. I wanted to surprise you. Brad and Vicks thought it would be a good idea." She says softly.

"It's the best surprise and it's an amazing idea. You'll stay with me tonight yea?" I ask expectantly.

"Brad and Victoria offered for me to stay in their hotel suite, I didn't know what exactly my plans would be or how this would go." She looks down as if she's nervous.

"Your plans are that you're staying with me. Every single minute that you're here will be with me. That's how this is gonna go." I lean in and kiss her, the first real kiss I've been able to give her.

Every fiber in my being feels like it's alive and on fire. This distance has been unbearable. This situation with her has been the worst idea. I don't know what we will have to do to make this work, but we have to do something. This has to work. She's here, of course it's going to work.

"Please say you'll stay with me." I whisper as my forehead leans against hers.

"I'll stay with you Harry." She smiles. We head back to my dressing room and I ask her if she's hungry or needs anything. I tell her I don't usually eat dinner until after a show because I don't do well with having a full meal before a show. I need all my energy and sometimes having a full meal makes me tired. She assures me she's fine and when hair and makeup arrive she sits with Mum and Gemma talking. Brad and Victoria are still buzzing around checking out the venue and having a few drinks. Wardrobe comes in and brings my outfit for the night and I slip into the bathroom to change.

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