"Sir Lucas, ready the horse. He is to go live out his days on our land." Charlotte waves him over, glaring at the back of the care taker.


Charlotte walks with Nuclear by her side, not ridding him yet as she wants him to feel more comfortable and relaxed.

She was walking him around in front of Buckingham palace. Getting him used to everything around him, after all he might go to a forever home. If Charlotte manages to find someone good and respectful to take care of him.

She spots Lady Danbury, Edwina Sharma and Kate Sharma, figuring it was polite to say hello, she walks over to them.

"Your majesty." Kate and Edwina now as Lady Danbury, who is like an aunt to her, carefully inspects her with a gentle smile.

"Arlo, how are you?" Lady Danbury asks, making Charlotte smile. "I'm great. How are you?"

"You rescued him?" Edwina speaks up, a fond smile on her face, glad Nuclear wasn't slaughtered.

"Of course. I wouldn't let something die because people are foolish enough to o make the wrong bets." Charlotte tells her, petting the horses head, making him shut his eyes, as he gotten used to her gentle touch.

"Can I?" Edwina asks, motioning to the horse. Charlotte nods, letting her pet the horse.

Kate smiles, agreeing with her. "I agree. People seem too foolish to take in the obvious."

"Not people, you mean men." Charlotte smirks, making Kate reflect it. "I see will will be excellent friends." Kate tells her.

"I have no doubt." Charlotte agrees. "You guys can call me Arlo, after all we are friends."

"Since we are friends, can you help us settle something?" Edwina asks her making Kate give her a sharp look. "Kate seems to think Viscount Bridgerton is a bad match for me but I believe he will be great. Since you are friends with his sister, what do you think?" Edwina asks her making Charlotte pull a black face.

"I wouldn't know. I've never actually talked to him." Charlotte says hesitantly, not wanting to make either upset. But thankfully her aunt came to save the day as she exists the palace.

Lady Danbury and her so sees bow ti the queen while Charlotte gets Nuclear to do the same. It was a trick she was trying to teach him, he seemed ti be a fast learner as her got it down.

"Charlie, why do you have that horse?" The queen asks, raising an eyebrow with a fond smile.

"See the thing is. Arthur made me." Charlotte blames her her twin who was currently off with Benedict Bridgerton. Edwina giggles at her excuse, finding it very amusing.

"It seems I'll have to speak with him later than. Go put the horse away please." Her aunt asks her making Charlotte bow to Edwina and Katie, making Nuclear do the same. "I'll see you guys sometime soon." She waved at them before walking off with her new horse.


Charlotte arrives at the market, with her guard. Spotting Eloise in the crowd, quickly she hands one of the florists a few galleons as she takes Asters, chasing after Eloise.

"Boo!" She creeps behind her, once again scaring Eloise. The Bridgerton shrieks before turning around, huffing at her.

"Some day, karma is gonna get you back for all the scaring you keep doing." Eloise scolds her, furrowing her eyebrows as she notices the princess hide something behind her back.

"These are for you." Charlotte pulls the Asters out from behind her back, catching Eloise off guard.

"I do not believe I know what these are called." Eloise takes the flowers, smiling at the thoughtful gift.

"They are Asters. They symbolize wisdom and knowledge. Since you are the smartest person I know, I figured they are fitting." Charlotte tells her while a fond smile, unknowingly making Eloise's heart beat faster.

"Come, Miss Bridgerton. I shall walk you." Charlotte holds out her arm. Eloise takes it, smelling the flowers.

"If I am to call you Arlo, I insist you call me Eli." Eloise tells her, growing fond of the cocky princess, although she would never tell her.

Charlotte leads them to the park, with the lake in the middle of it. "I have a question, that no one seems to answer." Eloise speaks up, figuring if anyone was to know and tell her, it would be Charlotte.

"And what question do people refuse to tell you the answer to?" Charlotte asks, stopping them in-front of the lake, secluded from people around at the park.

"Do you know how one becomes with child?" Eloise asks her making Charlotte cough, choking on her own saliva.

"You do! You must tell me!" Eloise eyes light up, hoping for the knowledge. "I used to think it requires marriage but a maid got pregnant and she is not married. So there has to be another way." Eloise tells her making Charlotte think over if she is to tell her.

Deciding that she has never lied to the Bridgerton before, she should not start now.

Charlotte steps closer to her, their faces inches apart, far enough away where people won't say anything but close enough where she could whisper and Eloise would hear.

"I shall tell you then. Have you ever explored your body?" Charlotte asks her, raising an eyebrow.

"What do you mean as exploring one's body?" Eloise asks confused, making Charlotte sigh at how innocent she is to the knowledge, a smile on her face, somewhat enjoying that she is the one to tell her.

"Have you ever touched yourself, in the most private of parts?" Charlotte asks her, hinting at how privatest of places.

"Why would I?" Eloise asks, a faint blush in her face, as Charlotte voice got husky when she whispered.

"Most people think everything is about a man's pleasure, but really it is not. It's all about the women's." Charlotte tells her, her voice getting lower as she spoke. Eloise felt her body heat up, especially in one spot making her eyes widen a bit.

"Just try it. Then you will see." Charlotte tells her, looking over her shoulder as she spots Sir Lucas waving her over.

Charlotte clears her throat, clearing the tension that seemed to rest between them. "I must go, have a good day Eli." Charlotte let's the nickname roll off her tongue before leaving.

Leaving Eloise in a bigger panic than before. Eloise wasn't sure what was happening to her but she knew a couple things. Charlotte could do things to her without even trying and her nickname sounded heavenly coming out of the princesses mouth.

"What we're you talking about?" Sir Lucas asks as they step into the carriage.

"Nothing." Charlotte answers, her eyes gazed as she seemed to be stuck in her mind making Sor Lucas grunt but keep quiet.


Damn Arlo had Eloise in a gay panic.

I mean after all anybody would be in a gay panic if Hailee steinfeld did what Arlo did. 😌

The collage matches them as I always have something at top so don't forget to check them out before you read!! Most of the time I have music too!!

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