Chapter five

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     "Hey there, love." Sarah felt a gentle kiss her forehead. She opened her eyes, and saw Harry standing over her. She looked over and saw Lena wasn't in their bed.

     "Hey Harry." Harry was so sweet to Sarah. They never had showed any real interest in each other, but Harry found ways to make her feel special. He was careful and gentle with her, like she was a delicate butterfly. It made her happy every time he did one of his little things, like come over to her house when Lena wasn't there and made sure she was all right. And sometimes he would read her a bedtime story, and tuck her into bed. "Um, where are the rest of the boys? And where's Lena? Are they down stairs?"

     "Liam, Niall, and Zayn are at there houses. I woke up and Louis wasn't in bed, so I checked all over the flat. I tried calling him a million times. I called the boys and they hadn't seen him. I walked around town, but no signs of him. So I came over here."

     "Oh. I haven't seen them. Lena was acting a bit strange last night. We were talking about our middle school days and how at our first real concert, instead of fans fainting when we got on stage, she did. We talked about all our memories. It was nice. You know, just to sit back and remember." Sarah had remembered what had happened perfectly. Lena was sad so she had tried to cheer her up.

     "Hey there, Lena. There's no need to be sad.  You know why? Come ooooonnnn! Why?" Sarah remembered herself asking Lena. "Because we are the sexiest superstars the world has ever known!"

     "Yeah." That was all that Lena had replied to her. Lena strummed her guitar. Sarah could tell that she was playing Look After You, the song she sang to her when her family had died . Sarah hummed along silently. When she got to the I'll look after you part of the song she stopped playing. Sarah remembered a tear falling down Lena's cheek. Then, Lena said one last thing to her.

     "I promised that I would never leave you with someone who couldn't love you more than me. And I promise I will always keep that promise." Then she continued to strum on her guitar, and she went to bed. That was how the night had gone.

     Then Sarah remembered she was talking to Harry.

     "Yeah. I know. Louis was the same at our flat. We talked and talked about the memories we've made, and then, he left."

     "That's strange...." Just then, Harry remembered his manners, and started to blush.

     "'ll, um I'll leave now so you, get some cloths on."

     As Harry walked away she saw a note fall out of his pocket. When he was gone, she picked it up, and set it on her dresser. She hurried and picked out a pair of black skinny jeans and her favorite Vampire Weekend t-shirt and her favorite gray beanie. She grabbed the note and headed downstairs. Harry was in the kitchen, making her breakfast.

     "Here Harry." she handed him the note.

     "What's this?" Harry asked.

     "It fell out of your pocket when you were walking out of my room." Harry took the note and set it on the counter top. He got her omlet out of the pan, put it on a plate, and handed it to her.

     "Thank you, Harry."

     "Come over here at the table and we can read the note together." They walked over to the table and opened the letter and started to read.

     Dear Harry,

        I'm sorry. I'm sorry I left. I just couldn't stay anymore. Everyday, I just wanted to get away more. I couldn't find the words to tell you that I was leaving. I was sick and tired of living a famous life. I'm starting over, with Lena. She means everything to me, Harry. I've never felt this way before. I couldn't emagine another day of my life without her. So she came with me. Lena promised Sarah that she would never leave her with someone who couldn't love her more than she did. So we left her with you, Harry. Please take care of her, Harry. Now you are all she has. I'm so sorry Harry. I didn't want to leave you like this. We were best friends, but I left yo behind. Some friend I am. I hope you and the boys can still go One Direction without me. Please Harry, don't miss me. I'm not worth missing. I want you to know that you changed my life. You showed me what it feels like to have someone care about you so much that it hurts. And I thank you for that. I'll always remember you, Harry. I will never forget you, or what you've done for me. Maybe someday we will meet again, just like old times.

                                                                                                                Forever Love, Louis Tomlinson

     Harry finished reading the note out loud. When he read Forever Love, Louis Tomlinson, he started to cry. Harry looked at Sarah  and saw she was now crying on the couch. He walked over and sat beside her, still crying himself. Sarah leaned her head on Harry's shoulder. Harry put his arms around her and pulled Sarah closer. They sat there, just like Lena and Sarah once had, many years ago.

     "It's ok." Harry barely managed to say, still crying. He pulled Sarah even closer and kissed her forehead. "I'm here now. I'm here."

     Once Harry had gotten himself under control, he took a deep breath. Sarah sat there, in his arms, still crying away, but softer now. Harry knew now that this is what he had to do. He had to protect her now, and he would do everything and anything to do just that. Sarah was different now. He loved her. He had a burning inside his heart and she was the cause. He belonged with her. Harry released his grip around Sarah, and ran his fingers through her hair. She looked up at him with sad, tear stained eyes. He would do anything to make that go away. Harry pushed back her hair out of her face.

     "I'm here now." Harry whispered. He leaned in and gently kissed Sarah, so long it took his breath away. "Oh oh oh, be my baby, And I'll look after you."

     Author's note-

Um, I hope you guys like my fanfic so far..... I know I don't have much done at this point but there will be more, I promise. And I'd like to make a shout out to my girl @foreveryoung_17. She is amazing (or amaZAYN, as I like to say ;D) and her fanfic, the Unexpected, was even better! If you haven't yet, go check it out now, I'm sure you'll love it! So just keep reading and commenting!

The white Picket fence- a Louis Tomlinson fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now