Chapter two

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     When they were together, Lena and Louis were the happiest people on earth. They had a relationship not many people had or could explain. They had never gotten in an argument, or even gotten mad at each other. They laughed when nothing was funny, and they danced when there was no music on. They were the kind of couple who shared everything: cloths, shoes, their biggest fears and hopes, dreams and secrets. They fell deeper and deeper in love with every new day. Together they were just simply......perfect. But the road that lead to this, wasn't so perfect.

     Louis had to let go of everything. Everything he had ever known. Louis was sick and tired of being famous. He didn't think there were many people left who had no clue who he was. He would give anything to make that all just disappear. To erase any memory of his existence from everyone's minds.

     Louis left behind his family. His mom, and four younger sisters. It was hard for him, because he loved them all so much, and they loved just the same. His mom walked in when he was packing his bags, and asked him what he was doing. He didn't really cry in front of his mom much, but that day he did.

     "Nothing, mom," he said as he started to cry. "nothing."

     He left behind his best friend, Harry. These days he couldn't even think of Harry, because he couldn't bear the pain of missing him. And he couldn't bear the pain of guilt.

     Louis was usually a very cheeky and upbeat person. But his last night with Harry was different. Louis couln't even bring himself to smile. Of course, he could always fake it, but he just truly could not smile. He and Harry had talked about when they first met, their X factor auditions, and their first music video. They talked about the good times and bad, from the bottom of the stairs, to the top of the world.

     After hours and hours, the clock finally struck twelve. Louis looked at the clock like it was the most horrifying thing he had ever seen. When it rang, it felt to him as though it was reminding him that this was forever goodbye. Like it was the thing tearing them apart. He took a deep breath in and tried to hold back his tears.

     "I.......I have to go now, Harry." Louis finally managed to say.

     "Um, Ok, Louis." Harry walked him to the door. Before opening the door, Louis stopped and gave Harry a hug.

     "Goodbye, Harry." His voice was now only a whisper, and there was a lump in his throat. Then Louis stuck a note in harry's back pocket, saying that he was leaving, and why he was leaving. Louis turned and walked out the door, down the steps and to his car. Harry stood at the doorway, watching Louis. Louis opened the door to his car, but turned to look at Harry before getting in. They both just stared at each other, and at that moment, it was like they were a single soul in two bodies, inseparable, and nothing and no one could ever tear them apart. But then, Louis remembered what he had come here to do.

     'Goodbye, Louis," Harry said. "See you soon?"

     Louis felt a tear roll down his cheek. Then, without another word, he got in his car and drove away.

The white Picket fence- a Louis Tomlinson fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now