Chapter three

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     Lena lived an ordinary life. That is until one day, when everything changed.

     Lena and Sarah were the best of friends. They did everything together. Sarah was the kind of girl who wore skinny jeans, toms, usually a Vampire Weekend t-shirt, and the occasional beanie. So pretty much, she dressed identically to Lena. The both had long, dark brown hair, but Sarah was a bit more on the tan side, and Lena's hair tended to be lighter than Sarah's.

    They both had a lot in common. They had the same taste in cloths, and food. They loved sad, romantic chick flicks and novels. They loved volleyball and their favorite season was summer. They shared the same obsession: Vampire Weekend, and they both had secret crushes on the boys of One Direction. They liked their songs, and they seemed to be cheeky and laid back, just like them, so naturally, they liked the band. But the the thing they had in common was what made them so close: music.

     Sarah and Lena sang whenever and wherever they got the chance. They had been told that they were amazing, and should audition for America's Got Talent or American Idol, or even the X Factor. But they were too young at the time, and were ok preforming live in front of small crowds in their little town in Indiana.

     They decided to be an official duet band, with just the two of them. That way they could have a name to introduce when they preformed. Sarah played the piano a bit and Lena played guitar. Together, they were Teenage Formal.

     Teenage Formal started off as any other normal band, they played at restaurants, and had little concerts around town. They were on their way to their biggest concert yet, down in Louisville, Kentucky. They had a stage set up and were preforming a list of their favorite songs. The first was When I Was Your Man by Bruno Mars, but they changed it to When I was Your Girl. Then they would sing Look After You by The Fray, then on to Hey There Delilah by the Plain White T's. After that, they would sing their favorite song, Forever Young, in the style of One Direction and Little things also in the style of One Direction. To finish off the concert, they would sing Truly, Madly, Deeply, again by One Direction. Lena had fallen in love with that song the first time she heard it, so she just had to finish off the concert with that song.

     In the car, they nervously chatted about the big event.

     "I'm so nervous. What if we can't do this? I mean, we picked out all slow love songs. What if people came too hear fast party songs? Then the're gonna be disappointed and not ever gonna wanna see us again."

     "Relax Lena. And this is for charity. We are Teenage Formal. Formal means slow and beautiful, like a slow dance. I think slow love songs are what they expect from us. Don't worry, they're going to love us. Cuz you know what we are?"

     "A couple of teenage idiots who formed a band and now are about to perform in front of, like, 300 people?"

     "No. The sexiest superstars the world has ever known!" Sarah high-fived Lena and she laughed a little. They didn't know that tonight was the beginning of the rest of their lives.

     There were more than 300 people. Lena thought she was exaggerating when she said 300. But she was wrong. There were hot-dog stands, hamburger stands, and every other food stand she could think of. She thought that people just walked around the park everyday, and heard there was a concert and stayed around for entertainment. And half of them probably wanted to help out charity and thought this would be a fun way. The others were either friends or family here to see them. Either way, people had come to see them, and they knew they had to do a good job.

     Sarah stepped up and took a breath. The music started to play. she closed her eyes and opened her mouth.


     "I hope she buys you flowers, I hope he holds your hand. Gives you all his hours when he has the chance,"

     "Take you to every party, cuz I remember how much you loved to dance."

     "Do all the things I should've done, when I was your girl. Do all the things I should've done, when I was your girl." they both sang, finishing their first song. With ever note, more and more people gathered around. It was amazing to Lena. When they sang, no one moved around or talked. some people sang along and some people swayed to the music. Lena and Sarah looked at each other and smiled. Teenage formal was going to be the best thing that happened to them. 


     "I hope I'm not a casualty, hope you won't get up and leave. Might not mean that much you, but to me it's everything, everything"

     "Truly, madly, deeply I am foolishly, completely fallin', and somehow you kicked all my walls in, so baby say you'll always keep me Truly, madly, crazy, deeply in love (in love) with you (with you), in love (in love) with you (with you)"

     "In love (in love) with you (with you), With you woah!" Everyone cheered. Lena smiled and ran and gave Sarah a hug. By this time, there were more than 400 people  gathered around. With their arms around each other, they waved to the audience and took a bow.  

Author's note-

I know It's long and kind of off topic, but we will get back to the first chapter. This is just their backgrounds.  Please keep reading!!!!! Thanks! :)

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