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seokjin don't even know why he was so nervous. his friends are still the same as they always have been. nothing changed about them except they just got older.

jimin still has the cutest smile and the nicest personality ever. seokjin can tell jimin was so excited and happy for him to be with them again and it made him feel all warm inside. jimin had sat next to him and wouldn't let go of his hand, resting his head on his shoulder and just being the cute boy he always has been.

jungkook also still looked the same except he's much more muscular now and his hair is a bit longer. the guy still looks a bit intimidating but that's just to other people. seokjin has never really been scared of jungkook.

him and jimin are also dating which doesn't surprise seokjin at all. the two used to be all over each other in college. they're so cute together though.

hoseok and yoongi are also still together now too which also isn't surprising. only thing surprising is that they're now in a relationship with taehyung as well.

speaking of, it was more awkward seeing taehyung than anyone else. the man wouldn't even look at him for like the first 10 minutes but he was excited to see him.

they had ate and was just catching up on lost time. more like it was seokjin just listening to them tell him everything interesting that happened over the years. he didn't really have anything interesting happen to him except for the fact that he met baekhyun who's been a really good friend to him.

"so, hyung, what's been going on with you?" jungkook asked. "why'd you never keep in contact with us?"

"uhh.. these past few years have been pretty rough for me to be honest." seokjin said as he looked down at the table. "honestly, these past few days have been the happiest I've felt in years now."

they felt bad hearing seokjin say that. they were now wishing that they had also tried keeping in touch with him too but, they hadn't because they didn't want namjoon feeling some kind of way.

"you know we're here if you wanna talk about anything, right?" this time, it was yoongi who said that and seokjin softly smiled at him.

he missed yoongi so much. the man was really his best friend until he had to fuck everything up.

"i know and I'll tell you guys another time.. i don't wanna make our first hangout in a while all sad." seokjin said and chuckled. "but, i really missed you guys so much. i was always thinking about y'all"

and that was true. he always thought of them and wanted to reach out but was scared and thought everyone hated him and didn't want anything to do with him.

it was that and mainly that he knew he'd ask about namjoon and how he was doing. gosh, he really still just miss the boy so much. part of him really wished namjoon would've came with them but the other part of him knew he couldn't deal with the harsh words the boy would've said to him and the fact that if he came, chanyeol would've been there with him obviously.

he knows that he more than likely deserves the harsh words but it'll just really hurt him so much.

"we missed you too hyungie!" hoseok said and seokjin smiled.


after they were done eating, they had went to a nearby arcade just because they didn't want the fun to end. seokjin really had so much fun. he laughed and just was smiling so much than he's had in so long and it just felt really good.

as they were walking outside, seokjin saw baekhyun waiting for him and he smiled at the man. he smiled back at him and waved.

"oohhh.. is he your boyfriend?" jungkook asked with a smirk on his face.

not quite done | namjin Where stories live. Discover now