
201 22 4

seokjin was nervous as he was getting ready to leave to hangout with his old friends. part of him is really hoping that namjoon would be there because it'd be nice to see him again but, the other part of him knows the man won't be there.

after the last time they saw each other, he knows for sure now that the man still hates him.

as he was getting dressed, baekhyun walked into his room not even knocking. they're used to seeing each other in their underclothes. they've even saw each other naked before. it wasn't like anything sexual or anything it was more like baekhyun walked into the bathroom while seokjin had just taken his clothes off and was ready to shower.

neither was shocked because.. well they've been living together for some years now. all baekhyun said, which still makes seokjin laugh when he thinks about it, was "damn, you're even big on soft." seokjin had just laughed and got in the shower and let baekhyun do whatever it was he was gonna do.

anyways, as of right now he's standing in front of his mirror in just his tight boxer briefs wondering what to wear. baekhyun just chuckled.

"you're thinking about this too much hyung! just wear whatever you feel comfortable in.. i don't think they'd judge you for whatever you wear." the man said and seokjin just sighed as he smiled softly at baekhyun through the mirror.

"it's not that i can't figure out what to wear.. I'm just nervous." seokjin said as he walked over to his bed and sat down. baekhyun just grabbed the man's shoulders and massaged them to calm his nerves down.

he can tell when seokjin's nerves are about to start getting to him so he'll try his best to calm him down before it gets worse.

"hyung, you'll be fine.. if it starts to be too much for you, you know you can call me and I'll be there as quickly as i can." baekhyun says. "do you want me to stay with you?"

seokjin quickly shook his head. "no, no, you had plans with that sehun guy right? i don't wanna ruin that for you.. go have fun! I'll be fine."

"are you sure?" baekhyun said and seokjin nodded. he didn't want to ruin his friend's fun. baekhyun has been by his side through everything and held off on his own life just to make sure seokjin was okay and would be fine. seokjin can't let him keep doing that. he want for his friend to go out and have fun or find love. "you know... I'm still hella upset that the fine ass guy i saw turned out to be your ex's boyfriend." baekhyun said as he rolled his eyes.

seokjin couldn't help but laugh. he remember laughing at him when baekhyun told him that the guy he saw was the same guy who was with namjoon at the carnival. seokjin felt bad because he thinks his friend really must've fell in love with chanyeol at first sight but then come to find out he's taken. and by seokjin's ex at that.

"yah! stop laughing~ it's not funny!" baekhyun said which made seokjin laugh even more. the man just rolled his eyes and smacked seokjin's thigh which got him to stop laughing as he winced.

"ouch! you fucker!"

"jeez! your thighs are so thick!" baekhyun say which made seokjin just shake his head. "i always forget just how think your thighs are.. have you been working out again?"

"I've been trying to get back into working out, yeah." seokjin say as he stand up and began searching his dresser for clothes. "sometimes I'll go out for morning runs while everyone is still sleeping.. it's a way of exercising and also clearing my head sometimes."

baekhyun smiled at him. "ah, I'm happy you found a way to clear your mind!" he said which also made seokjin smile. "how long have you been doing this for?"

"not that long.. maybe for the past two weeks."

recently, he's been thinking about getting back into working out. going on runs was just him starting out small just to test himself out and see how it goes. it's felt good so now he knows for sure he wants to get back working out. he'll have to get a gym membership.

"well, I'm glad you've been doing this. if you ever want an exercising partner.. don't ask me. I'm too lazy for that." baekhyun said which made seokjin laugh.

"you weren't even a thought.."

baekhyun gasped as his eyes went wide. "so rude! i hate you."

"love you too baekie!" seokjin said as he was putting on a pair of black jeans.

"yeah, yeah.. get dressed so i can drop you off."

"you don't have to.. i can uber-"

"nope. i need to make sure my bestie is okay and safe and not with some stranger." baekhyun say. seokjin just sighed but was grateful he had someone like baekhyun looking out for him.

anyways, seokjin had just settled for a white tank top with a navy blue sweater over it and his black vans. he sprayed himself down with some of baekhyun's cologne then grabbed his bag and phone and was ready to go.


honestly, seokjin's nerves never eased down even after talking with baekhyun. they only got worse when they had pulled up to where he was meeting everyone.

"remember hyung, call me whenever and I'll be here or wherever to get you, okay?" baek said and this actually did help ease some of seokjin's nerves. of course he knew he could count on baekhyun to be there for him.

"thanks baek.. now, go have fun with your guy! and make sure he's using condoms." seokjin said which made baekhyun blush madly. it was so funny and seokjin just chuckled.

"h-he's just a friend, hyung~"

"with benefits.. am i lying?"

"..." baekhyun stayed quiet but then just sighed. "okay fine.. there is a little bit of benefits but that's all. it'll be nothing more."

"and why not? don't you want to settle down eventually?" seokjin and baekhyun nodded.

"i do... I've known sehun for years now. since before i worked at the club and we've always just had this agreement that whatever we did would just be sex and that's all.. he's had his relationships and I've had mine and whenever it didn't work out, we'd sometimes have sex just to fulfill our own needs" baekhyun said. "but, even after all of that, sehun had still been one of my closest and best friends."

that was the first time seokjin heard that from baekhyun. he didn't know him and this sehun guy knew each other that long.

"how come i never met him? does he even know who i am?" seokjin playfully says and baekhyun just giggled.

"yes, he knows who you are and you never met him because i never felt it was the right time for you to meet him with everything going on but, if you want to then I'll bring him over one day." baekhyun say. "now go in and have fun with your friends!"

"oh right.." seokjin say, nervously chuckling. he may have been procrastinating a bit. "I'll see you later."

he got out of the car and waved to baekhyun before the man smiled at him and drove off. not before telling him that he'll be okay though. he sure hoped so. what if he walks in there and everyone still hates him?

is namjoon here too?

he walked into the diner and began looking around. i really hope he's here... i just wanna see his face again. he's still the cutest ever. even though he had this hopeful feeling that namjoon was here too, he kinda knew the man wasn't gonna come.

"seokjin hyung! over here!" he heard and looked over to his left to see everyone.. ah of course he didn't come.. everyone except namjoon. nevertheless he smiled and made his way over to the table where everyone got up and engulfed him in a tight group hug.

the man just smiled as he hugged them back.

i missed them all so much.

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