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" what do you want to do now " jungkook asked tae for next thing to do .

" We have many things to do , now come with me " tae said while dragging jungkook with him .

Tae stood up infront of claw machine and started to play it but failed it many time .
He was so upset ,and was about to go from there but kook stopped him .

" Which one do you want " kook asked tae and put a coin in claw machine.

" That pink bunny " tae said in low voice
Making kook looked at him .

" Ok , just wait " kook said and in first attempt he got that pink bunny and gave it to tae who jumped in happiness and hugged him .

" Thank you kookie " tae said being happy meanwhile jungkook was frozen but not shocked as knew it's his habit.

" Mm, tae you stay here only , , i am just going washroom and will also put this in the car ok . Don't go anywhere and i am just coming in minutes ok ." Jungkook told him softly and went from there after tae nodded .

Tae was standing there alone while eating his ice cream which he bought it but then someone collided with him making his icecream fall .tae looked down and then turned in anger but gulped when he saw group of not so good boys .

" Why di-d you do it " tae said being afraid of boys standing infront of him.

" Hey, beautiful don't you think it's not ok to stand alone like this " a man said from the group looking at tae with lust and was about to touch him .

But tae grabbed his hand and turned it making a crack sound on which that man screamed his lungs out .

" How dare you ? " Another man tried to punch him but then he kick in his crotch area and then punch at his mouth making it bleed .

Tae was beating Shit out of him but then two boys from that group grabbed tae's hand tightly because of which he was not able to move .

Their leader came infront of him and slapped him so hard making his face bleed from corner of his mouth .

Tae stayed strong but internally he was so afraid everyone was just seeing the drama no one was helping him , he was capable to beat someone but he was feeling so helpless in front of a group .

" Now , what will you do pretty boy "he was about to touch his face when tae spat over him who became angry and was about to punch him on his face but someone grabbed his fist and turned it harshly making it almost break .

Tae looked at that person only to find jungkook who was looking so damn angry .

" Kookie " tae called kook who looked at him and then his wound around his lips which made him uncontrollably angry .

He looked at that group again and started fighting with them angrily , he beat shit out of them , then he went to their leader who slapped tae on his face and beat him alot and he was kicking him continuously which making tae afraid as he was looking kind of beast of who will kill anyone who will come infront of him ..

" Koo-kie st-op " tae called in his cracked voice as he was already traumatised with incidence . And then kook was looking hella angry.

But kook didn't stop he was punching him back to back who was almost dead .

Tae went to kook and hugged him from behind and tried to stop him .

" Kook-ie sto-p he wi-ll di-e " he was so afraid he tried to stop kook . And eventually kook stopped and looked behind just to find tae looking at him in fear .

" Are you okay tae "kook turned toward tae and cupped his face .

" I am ok kookie , are you ok ? Did you get hurt somewhere ?" Tae asked kook while checking him out worriedly .

" It should be me tae , i should ask tae and here you are asking about me " kook said concerned .

" I am really sorry tae , i should have not left you like this , i am sorry because of me this happened" kook looked down feeling guilty .

" It was not your fault kook , look at me "
He made kook looked at him

" I was able to fight with them but they were so many , no one here helped me kook i felt helpless , you were only one who helped me kook , thank you so much kook . " Tae hugged him tightly feeling secured im his embrace .

" You don't have to say thank you tae , i have responsibility of you i should have cared ." Jungkook said in disappointment.

" No kook, it's not your fault ,let -let's just forget about it and let's not ruin our day " tae said assuring kook.

" Are you sure baby " jungkook said worriedly not knowing that someone blushed at his nickname .

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