does he want to?

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— does he want to?
30 october 1977


TOMORROW IS HALLOWEEN. BUT THESE PAST WEEKS have already been way too spooky and scary for Callisto.

First of all: The Slytherins haven't done anything bad to her in a while and she's always prepared for a nasty attack.

Second: Her friendship with (especially) Lupin has gone beyond her expectations and she's scared that she might lose him and the other boys as well. It's too good to be true.

Lastly: After her almost-kiss with Black (who would have thought) they started to act as if it never happened. Or better: He does that.
Because if Callisto is being honest, she still thinks about it. It's stupid.

She blames it on the alcohol and her lack of experience when it comes to these type of things but whenever she's having some time to relax, she catches herself recalling their moment in her head. His hands on her waist. His eyes on her lips. His breath on her skin.

It's absolutely ridiculous. Because Callisto doesn't even have a logical explanation for her thoughts. When she's sitting with Black together, to work on their project (in total silence) she wants to punch him so bad. Looking at him, almost makes her blood boil. But on the other hand she feels something weird while looking at him. Definitely not love...but also not hate. It's some sort of worry.

She's worried about him or his behaviour. He seems to be someone completely different than last year. He's barely talking, eating or interacting with his friends. And Callisto isn't sure if she's just imagining these little things because no one else seems to notice. Not even his friends.

(Rosier maybe a little bit but he's busy with trying to befriend Callisto for whatever reason.)

Until their first Quidditch game, Callisto has been sure she's just making things up in her head about Black but when Talkalot came up to her yesterday evening, she couldn't deny it any longer.

Black wouldn't be part of the team for their first match, she told her.
Which means....Callisto has to play.

"I never played before...I...I don't even know how to do that! It's something completely different than training." She explains panicking to Remus who's sitting next to her.

They're leaning against a tree near the black lake. The sun is shining in their faces that are cold from the light breeze of autumn. Hogwarts is now bathed in cool tones of orange, red and yellow and everywhere you go, you find pumpkins smiling at you with their carved faces.

"You got this." Remus smiles at her in a comforting way. He's now facing her. "I'm sure you'll do great...not that I would ever want Slytherin to win but.."

"Oh shut up Remus!" Callisto laughs and punches his shoulder playfully.

"What?" His voice is suddenly croaky. Callisto doesn't know what has happened but the mood changed drastically from light an funny to...she doesn't even know.

"What's wrong?" She raises her brows.

"You never called me Remus before." He whispers, scratching the back of his head and staring down at the lake. Is he turning red?

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