One Hell of a Time (FINALE)

Start from the beginning

"I was skimming through the reports for who's souls have entered hell via death, an look!"

Henchman thrust a creased piece of paper at the devil's face, which the devil took from his hand and looked at. It was a list of souls next to their time and method of death and in the middle of the page, underlined with a purple pen, was the name Ms.Chalice.

"YES!" the devil cried with glee, "this is amazing Henchman!"

The devil jumped off his throne and hugged Henchman

"THANKYOU THANKYOU THANKYOU," He cried before getting a hold of himself and calming down, "i mean. Thankyou Henchman. But this is just what I've been waiting for. Henchman! Ready the armies of hell. When those two come down into my domain, looking to toy with the powers of life and death. They'll be in for one hell of a time!"


"What exactly do you expect me to do here?" the doctor asked

"Cure her, that's what you quack!" Cuphead yelled back

Cuphead and Mugman had taken Chalice to the nearby doctors and had managed to get an audience with a doctor.

"I'm a doctor not a necromancer," the doctor said, "she's pretty clearly dead, I mean look at her. She's a damp pile of rubble."

"See here Dr...," Cuphead yelled then squinted at the doctor's name tag trying to read his name, "...Khal !either you fix her, or you're going to need the necromancer. YOU HEAR ME!!"

"Cuphead, calm down," Mugman hissed, "you're making a scene. Let's leave we've taken up enough of this doctor's time."

Mugman picked up Chalice's stretcher and practically dragged Cuphead out the doctor's office.

"LET GO OF ME! I want to kill that doctor, i want to kill whoever was in that car, i..."

"CUPHEAD LISTEN TO ME!" Mugman screamed at his brother, "Chalice isn't coming back if you start wanting to kill everyone and everything, but I do know something that might."

Mugman reached into his mug and pulled out the Peashooter Talisman and the magical chalk.

"Cuphead," Mugman said, "we're going to hell."

As Mugman was drawing the chalk square he heard a familiar voice behind him.

"Hey hey hey!" King dice said jovially, "what do we have here."

"Not the time dice," Mugman grunted.

"Y-Y-Yea scram!" Cuphead said, putting on a brave face, "we're on our way to fight the devil and force him to bring Chalice back to life."

"Oh that's terrible, is there any way i can help," King dice said offering his hand to Cuphead.

"NO!" Cuphead snapped, slapping it away. King dice then walked over to Mugman and kneeled beside him.

"Anything I can help with?" Dice asked, "what's this," he said picking up the Peashooter talisman.

"Not for you," Mugman said, snatching it out of his hands

"Ooh, What's this?" King dice asked, snatching the chalk from Mugman's hand.

"Hands off!" Mugman yelled, snatching the chalk back, "look, don't you have somewhere to be?!"

"Oh yes, I should be on my way," King dice said.

Dice walked off and rounded a corner. Once he was out of the cups line of sight he stepped into a payphone. He took a small bag of powdered paint from his pocket and sprinkled it over his hand, but the paint did not land where you'd expect. The paint seemed to land on thin air and as more settled the clear outline of two invisible bands became visible.

The Cuphead Show! Season 4Where stories live. Discover now