Chapter 4

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       "Ugh, I can't believe we had to go all the way back just to get some stupid key," you groaned, dragging yourself down the hallway for the third time while Ib trotted alongside you, clutching both her rose and her new, prized possession: a shining, blue key.

       Ib only remained silent, listening to you as you spewed off utter nonsense, probably in an attempt to calm your nerves.

        As you came to the end of the hallway, you halted suddenly, slightly taken aback. There, at the end of the hallway, was a small dresser, much like the one Ib's rose had been on, set up with a vase and rose atop it in a similar fashion. In fact, everything in the display looked exactly like the little dresser Ib's rose had been retrieved from, save for one thing: the rose inside the crystalline vase was white. For whatever reason, you were mesmerized. You couldn't look away. Unfortunately, the more you stared, the more mesmerized you became, until you had this near insufferable desire to reach out and yank the rose from its place.

       "You feel it, too," Ib mumbled, startling you. You looked down to see her glancing up at you with unnervingly wise eyes. "It was the same with me and my rose." The two of you held each other's gaze for a few seconds before she looked down at her own flower, stroking its petals fondly. "You should take it."

       You swallowed hard, trying to drown the lump forming in your chest. You weren't sure if you wanted to take it. After all, you were in a strange place, with strange people and strange creatures, and now these strange feelings of obsession over a flower. Still, the more you fought the feeling, the stronger it became, until you knew there would be no leaving without the blossom. "Fine, fine!" you exclaimed, mostly to yourself, as you reached forward and grasped the flower. It was then, as you were leaning over the table, that you noticed tiny writing carved into the desk.

       'You and the rose are unified. Know the weight of your own life.'

       You stared for a moment, confusion and slight horror welling up inside you as your lips curled into a frown. Well, great. Aurora's fate might not be too far off, then. you thought. Gingerly, you raised the flower to your eyes' level, twirling it between your thumb and forefinger. Seven petals ... 

       A gentle tug on your shirt brought you back to reality as you glanced down to see Ib pointing at the now-open blue door. "Let's go, _____," she said, curling her small fingers around your own, larger ones.

       Giving the girl a gentle smile, you nodded. "Alright, alright. I'm coming," you said with mock exasperation before ruffling Ib's hair slightly. "Clever kiddo."

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