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(Slash's POV)

It's been a week since I've been in this new world and I've come to realize that I was in the Undertale universe and least to say I was in shock for awhile and bit anyone who disturbed me. Right now though, I was currently wrapped around a tree branch in my half snake form as I watched a few birds flying in the distance. Apparently me and other fellow skeletons were teleported here because of the machine in the basement, sound familiar?

Sighing, I continue to watch the birds in the distance before resting my skull in my arms. While I was now out of that state of shock that I came out of two days ago, everything was still weird to me and I refused to speak with anyone. Also, while I may have not talked to anyone, I have listened and gained somewhat useful info like everyone's names and the au's they came from. Besides classic and creampuff aka papyrus, there was outer sans and his brother star, lust sans and his brother hearts, dance sans and tango, geno, reaper and grim, ink, blue and stretch, and error. And...that was it so far. The others said the machine wasn't fixed yet so it was to be expected that more would appear soon.

Shifting into a more comfortable position on the tree branch I was on, I close my eye sockets shut as I drift off to sleep.

(An hour later-)

(Slash POV)


Jolting awake, I look towards the mansion in sleepy confusion before relaxing and shrugging off whatever happened in there. 'Must've been the machine' I sleepily thought as my mind dozed off once again only to wake a few minutes later when I hear a yell and then something grabbed my tail making me hiss in surprise and anger. Now wide awake and angry, I glare at the one holding my tail only to freeze when I'm met with a skeleton who for one, was bigger than me, had a huge hole in his skull, blood on his clothes, and a scary grin on his face. Immediately my first instinct was not to flee but to bite him and so you know what I did? I bit him.

Biting into the larger skeleton's hand, I feel blood seep through the other's hand as i ignore the yells of alarm that came from a few others who had run into the back yard to stop horror from tugging my tail. Worry was etched across the others expressions as they watched to see what horror would do. To everyone's surprise, horror didn't do anything but instead laughed which irked me since I wanted him to leave me alone and to let go of my tail that he still had hostage in his hand.

Letting go of the other's hand, seeing as biting him wasn't gonna do anything. I try to tug my tail back to me, only to grow frustrated when he didn't let go. Glaring at horror who just grinned back at me while still holding my tail, I hiss at him in annoyance and go to say something before stopping when I feel that strange familiar feeling from a week before. Right in front of the one's present in the backyard, the lower half of my body changed from a snake back to normal skeleton legs which made me let out a sigh of relief since I no longer had a tail that this horror guy could cling onto.

Scooting up the branch I was still on, I make sure to keep my legs far away from horror as I lift a middle finger up and give him the bird. Staring right back at me, horror huffs in amusement before trying to reach for me which in turn had me climbing higher up the branch I was on. Seeing as I wasn't gonna come down, horror looked to be thinking before teleporting something into his hands. Looking at his hands in confusion, I freeze at what he's holding. He's holding a beef jerky stick and I loved beef jerky sticks...too bad for him I wasn't dumb enough to fall for it.

Seeing that I wasn't gonna fall for it, horror put the beef jerky away while looking over at the others before brightening and calling whoever they needed, over. Too bad I couldn't see since I was too high in the branches and leaves of the tree I was currently hiding in. Whoever horror had called over though, approached and when they entered my vision I immediately recognized them. It was the original killer sans and he looked at horror in confusion before horror pointed up at me.

Looking up at me, killer's grin on his face seems to freeze as he looks back at me and I look back at him. Suddenly, killer teleports something in his hands and looking at it I notice it's a knife with beautiful engravings on the handle. Interest piqued, I tilt my skull at the knife in the other's hands and look at it in want. Seeing my reaction, original killer's grin widens as they hold it out to me. Staring at the knife, I slowly start going down the branch before stopping. 'There's no way I'm getting bribed with a knife right now...' I thought as I narrowed my eye sockets at other me but then I looked at the knife and the urge to hold it and see it up close was getting stronger by the moment. Could you blame me though? The knife handle was black and red mean while the rest of the knife was made of what seemed to be clear glass and gleamed in the sunlight.

Contemplating if I should continue on, I decide that I can't stay up here forever and so continue down the tree before I come in reaching distance of the knife killer was still holding out. Quickly snatching the knife, I grin as I hold the knife in one hand and observe it as killer and horror seem to have some type of understanding and nod to each other. Walking away, horror heads into the mansion while killer distracts me for however long he can before I notice something is up and retreat back into hiding up in the tree.

Telling me about where he got the knife, I listen intently before my instincts flared up and screamed at me to dodge. Swiftly moving backwards and higher into the tree branches, my eye lights flicker as my face changes to alarm at the black tendril that zipped past where I was previously sitting. Looking at killer, I send him a look of anger and distrust while throwing his knife he handed to me, right back at him and was surprised when it almost got him in the head and would've gotten him if he hadn't dodged. The knife now sticking into the tree's side, I let out a angry hiss out of habit at it and killer, anger and hurt clear on my face.

Not saying anything, I retreat higher into the tree for safety. 'Looks like the only ones I can trust here are the tree's' I think while smiling bitterly at the thought. While I hid in the trees, I didn't know a certain tar covered looking octopus skeleton and his gang were currently trying to figure out how to get you out of the tree. Meanwhile the others like classic and ink had retreated into the house as they let the others try to get you down so they could speak to you face to face. Plus, you barely ate all week and it was worrying the others, it especially worried horror who only just got dragged into this au with boss and the others and heard you didn't eat much from a worried blue. If there's one thing horror hates, it's seeing others not eating their food...

Have a good day and night!

Like the update? I hope ya do!


Horror was curious onto what a snake tail felt like.

Horror wanted to drag slash out of the tree but didn't want to harm him.

Horror doesn't wanna admit it but that bite hurt.

Horror is gonna have slash eat food, even if he has to make him by force feeding him.

Killer is slightly worried for Slash seeing how gray his bones were looking from not eating much all week.

Nightmare is impressed Slash was able to dodge his tendril in time.

Slash is considering just jumping from the tree and making a run for it. He feels he won't get too far though...

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