chapter 9 Slender POV

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I am so sorry, I was busy with school and family life that I almost forgot thank you
stevieporath for reminding me again!!

I help Y/n get their boss onto the couch.

"There, happy now?"

"Yes," Y/n replies as they head back into the kitchen and come out with a cup of tea for me and a mug of coffee for them.

"So what were you giggling about?" I ask

"A white creature came running up my driveway and slammed itself against the door." Y/n says, struggling to keep themself together.

"A white creature you say..." I ponder, "did it look human?"

"Yes" Y/n answers

"Long claws?" I inquire

"I think." Y/n responded

Before I could respond a white creature I recognized as Rake slams itself up against the window and yelps, only succeeding in hurting itself.

"My dear," I start "I will be right back."

I set my cup down and teleport outside to deal with this.....  Nuisance..

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