Al subtly dismissed this. He knew that once the day had fully begun and the girl's mind was off Sam, she'd begin to feel better.

However, Alastor didn't know when he'd let Sam see Edith again. It all depended on when the teen could earn his trust again and the kind of trust Sam needs is hard to earn.

After Al finished his own food, he looked at Edith who was staring blankly at her mostly full plate with her hands at her sides.

The man sighed. "Are you sure you don't want to eat anymore? You might find yourself to be hungry later in the day." He said.

The girl shook her head and looked down, muttering something under her breath.

Alastor's hummed questioningly. "What was that, my dear?"

"I want Sam..." Edith said, just loud enough to be audible.

Al's smile faltered slightly but swiftly went back to normal. "I know but it is better this way. He's very unwell and doesn't want you to get sick along with him. You have been sick before, haven't you?"

Edith nodded her head, looking up at Alastor, trying to understand the point he was trying to make.

"It's quite unpleasant isn't it? Feeling ill."

The girl confirmed the question with another nod of her head.

"Well then, aren't you to be grateful that your oh-so-caring brotherly figure thought of your health?"

Edith smiled slightly, nodding her head. "Sam's so kind." She said quietly.

Alastor smiled brightly at her. "Indeed he is! Don't worry, darling. If you eat just a little more we can make our own fun while he is gone, how does that sound?"

The girl's spirits lifted as her eyes lit up and she nodded once more, picking up her silverware and eating what she could. All the while Alastor had taken his plate into the kitchen and was preparing one more smaller meal for one more person.


The occasional clang of a spoon hitting the side of a bowl could be heard as Sam carefully ate the breakfast Alastor brought to him. At the same time he was cautiously watching that very same man who was also attending to the wounds on his ankle.

As Alastor put a powdery substance onto the open flesh, Sam let out a hissing sound as it stung.

"I do remember telling you not to move to much. Had you listened this wouldn't have happened." The elder scolded, shaking his head slightly, wrapping the powder into the wound with a white bandage. "No matter. With proper cleaning and care, I imagine this will heal up quite nicely."

"Right..." Sam responded, just barely audible.

Alastor looked at him blankly, his smile still plastered on his face. Once he had finished putting the last of the bandages on the boy's ankle, he put his supplies back into his bag, but didn't stand up. He merely looked down with a distant stare in his eyes which brought the teen's attention to him rather quickly.

"It's quite unfortunate you still don't trust me." The man spoke, his smile still on his face, creating two conflicting tones.

Sam swallowed the contents in his mouth before responding. "I don't think I can be blamed for that."

"Yes quite right," The man started, looking up. "but that doesn't make it any less adverse, my young fellow. Your sibling seems to trust me perfectly fine it is only you who appears to have an issue with these circumstances."

The boy rolled his eyes out of view. "She's five. She doesn't know how to tie her shoes let alone know when someone is dangerous."

"Did you once think, Samuel, that there's a reason she doesn't view me as dangerous? Natural instinct is a thing after all. When I found you two in that forest. She was, like you, mindful and untrusting of me. But her mindset towards the situation eventually changed." Alastor said, standing up. "Perhaps, it's because, to you two, I'm not much of a threat."

"How can I know that!?" Sam exclaimed.

The man looked at him silently.

"How can I know that? How?!" The boy shouted, his face turning slightly red as the oxygen left his lungs and the blood rushed to his head. "You murder people in your spare time! Why?! Because you enjoy it?! Is it entertaining watching innocent people suffer!?!"

"No one is telling you such questions and emotions are invalid but merely... Unnecessary." Alastor explained calmly. "In fact, it's a good thing that you're so cautious. It's a smart thing, to be wary. But if you set those feelings aside and look at the bigger picture and truly take in what has been said multiple times, you'll see that though your heedfulness is valid and completely understandable, it's simply unnecessary."

"I don't care if it's unnecessary. I don't understand how you could do such horrible things and expect me to just look past it all!" Sam began raising his voice again, his eyes watering up. "I don't how to let it go! I just-"

"Then don't."

The boy suddenly stopped his spiel, looking up at the man in confusion.


"Then don't. If you can't find it within yourself to look past what I've done, then don't." Al said. "You can stay up all night paranoid and tense for hours every day, that's up to you. However, it's unnecessary. I cannot allow you to leave, but I won't harm you either. Therefore, since there is no threat in the first place, all you will achieve is misery for yourself and possibly for your sibling as well. After all, emotions and feelings can sometimes be quite contagious."

Alastor's words silenced the teen. Hearing such things from Mimzy and even Rosie at times were one thing... but hearing it from Alastor himself was something else... and the way he said it too...

Mimzy always made it seem like he was in the wrong for not trusting Al, like he was crazy for not doing so. But now Alastor himself was admitting that Sam's fears were well founded.

For some reason the boy found it strangely calming to have his feelings finally validated, but at the same time to have the validated by the one person his negative feelings were about made the moment bittersweet.


Hello! Author-Chan here! This chapter is slightly shorter than normal but I tried to extend it as much I could. Despite this, I still think it came out quite well. Thanks for reading even though updates are taking a while. I got a new job you see, so I've been focused on a variety of things. Thanks for bearing with me. :>

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