Week 8: When Katherine Stalks 🔍

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Week 8:
When Katherine Stalks
~ April 16th - April 22nd, 2012 ~


Miranda and I stood in a single file line, heading all the way down the stairs to the ground floor. It was time to turn in our homework and Elijah was making us drop it off in the bin on his desk.

While most of my peers were turning in the homework answers to last week's chapters, many others—mainly fawning girls— were gathered around Elijah to ask his questions about todays lecture—feigning curiosity. I rolled my eyes so many times at the obscenities coming from some of these girls. Part of me knew the hypocrisy since, I was indeed a student attracted to my professor. Except I knew the feeling was mutual.

"I should go pretend to have a question," I grumbled. Miranda laugh, looking at me over my shoulder. "What?"

"Your question would be...?"

"Why are these stupid girls throwing themselves at you three times a week when they should know it's never going to happen?"

"We should ask him a question," Miranda grinned, getting this mischievous glint in her eye that scared me.

"No," I stated, immediately concerned and against whatever she had in mind.

"I'm doing you a favor," she said, lowering her voice to me. Then before I could stop her, she shoved past the people in the line. I chased after her, apologizing to the people I trampled over, tripping down half the steps. "Professor! Professor!" My best friend shouted, racing to the other group of girls. "I have a question!"

Elijah stopped mid sentence, glancing from Miranda to me and back. He held up a finger to the girl he was speaking to, signaling for her to hold on as he scowled, addressing my loud mouth best friend. "Yes, Miss Drake?" He questioned as she and I made our way front and center to his circle of groupies.

"Are you seeing anyone?" Miranda questioned, furrowing her eyebrows and putting on an Oscar worthy look of genuine interest and confusion.

My jaw dropped as did a few other girls whilst most of them giggled. "Answer!" One girl squeaked out, her head ducking before I could identify the nosey little thing.

"My mom is single and ready to mingle," Miranda added, giving that award winning smile that would could sell used cars as easy as Matilda's dad in that movie.

"I'm inclined to tell you all it's none of your business," Elijah said, pursing his lips and giving all of us a scolding glare. Then his lips tugged up as he looked at Miranda, "I'm sure your mother is lovely—Hopefully more well mannered than you—But I am seeing someone. And I have no interest in anyone else."

"Your loss," Miranda smirked, spinning around and walking away. A squeak left my lips in awe of her brazen act just now. My eyes for a moment met Elijah's, and I swear I saw him wink before I ran after my bestie.

"I take offense to that," I hissed, smacking her on the arm. "And your mother is happily married. What is wrong with you?"

She cackled loudly as we made our way to his desk, dropping off our homework before leaving the room. "I think your boyfriend blushed," she said and I snorted.

"I think I almost died," I retorted. "Why are you so insane?"

"You love it," she said dismissively. "Oh, and we're going out Friday night. No pottery. But, same company."

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