Week 5: When Life Gets Busy ☁️

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Week 5:
When Life Gets Busy
~ March 26th - April 1st, 2012 ~


I headed down the stairs as most of the lecture hall had cleared out. Elijah was sitting behind his desk, smirking as he watched me. I bit my lip to keep from grinning as I made my way to him. "Hi," I greeted as I stood on the other side of his desk, glancing over my shoulder to make sure no one could hear us. "What's my surprise?"

Elijah chuckled, standing up from his seat. "Good morning to you too," he replied.

"Morning. What's my surprise?" I repeated. During our good morning texts when we woke up, he mentioned he was bringing me a surprise.

"I know you said you were running late and going to miss breakfast so..." he trailed off, reaching down open one of his desk drawers. He pulled out a white coffee mug that had a brown bag inside it. "You said you and your mom collect coffee mugs."

I smiled as I took it, reading the two words on it "BREAKFAST" and under it "WINE". I laughed softly before pulling out the bag to see a few white powdered donuts, my favorite. "Thank you," I gasped.

"You're welcome," he smiled. "Sorry I couldn't exactly sneak in pancakes for you. Or coffee. Figured it would be cold by the time I got it to you."

"You can buy me coffee tomorrow," I shrugged playfully, pulling out a donut and taking a bite. "Want some?"

Elijah's eyes moved to my mouth before looking at the donut I was holding out towards him. "Blake," he said lowly and I pulled my hand back. "I don't exactly know if your peers would ignore you feeding me."

I frowned, looking around, "no one's paying us any mind. They're all coming and going."

"No thank you. Sweets aren't exactly my thing. Besides, there's powder all over your mouth now. I don't need a mess on my suit," he said, looking himself over.

I rolled my eyes, "fine. More for me. I should get going before I'm late to my next class."

"I miss you already."

I grinned, chuckling, "bye, professor."


I sat down in the booth across from Miranda, who showed up to visit me at the diner. She said we didn't have time to talk this morning, so she was making up for it now. "What are your plans for this weekend?" She asked me, narrowing her eyes and leaning forward with her hands folded on the table.

I raised my eyebrows, "uh... I don't know. I don't have anything set. Probably go out with Elijah one day. But I usually spend my weekends with you and Mia."

"Friday night. Jasper is dragging me to some pottery class. Apparently that's what he's into, and it's some girl he knows that's teaching it."

"Some girl?"

"He was dodgy when I asked," she scowled. "Suspicious right? But then I was like why would you invite me if you wanted to see some other chick. Jasper said I didn't have to go then. But of course, now I want to. But not because I want to do pottery. Which is why I need you to go with me to save me from being bored to death."

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