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the man with the long hair

The night passed slowly in comparison to how quickly the previous day had gone

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The night passed slowly in comparison to how quickly the previous day had gone. It was a warm summer and the blankets covering me were way too thick for me to sleep comfortably. But now I was awake, there was no point trying to sleep again. Sicheng knocked and then walked in on queue, he wasn't even hiding his attire anymore.

"I can't believe I was right." He simply said and I got out of bed, tidying it while listening. "Jae's challenged you." I froze in my place and looked back up. "It's stupid really, the fact that he couldn't even see through that you have never raced before."

"Already?" The words came out as a surprise.

"He clearly wants this over with as quickly as possible."

"Wait, so you will let me race? Have you changed your mind?" I asked him expectantly. "You have to let me race right if he has challenged me."

"Let's just say... I have an idea. But it's so that you can stay safe." My eyebrows narrowed and I paused moving my pillows neatly.

"I'm going to get you a car, just for Friday night. But when you race him, you need to purposely go slow, and get last position."

Sicheng was always thinking of me but I wanted to live just for one day. But if accepting to them rules would get me a car, and into an actual race, I'd be up for it.

"Okay, deal."

"I'll have you a car by tonight then, you'll have time to at least practice driving."


He looked at me with the face which I knew too well since we were children. He felt guilty and I could tell it was eating away at him.

"I'm 19 now, I know since dad died you felt the need to protect me but I'll be fine, I promise. I'm good at looking after myself you know."

Sicheng looked down at the floor now, holding his hands tightly. "You didn't even sign up for college, just working on the weekends and you call that a real job? I care about you Cher but you're going to ruin your life if you're not careful."

"Racing won't ruin my life Si, it would transform it."

"You don't understand." He muttered, "You don't understand the reason why I don't want you to race."

"I do, I get it. People die street racing. It's very dangerous. But I promise, I'll be careful. I know cars inside and out, i've been studying them since I first watched a car race on tv."

Sicheng shook his head and began to turn around to leave my room."You'll only be racing Friday. That's it. Then I don't want to hear another word about this. You'll get a place in college, and then you'll be back on track."


With my snarky remark he simply left shutting my door with a firm slam and then heavy footsteps down the stairs followed. It wasn't as if I purposely didn't go to college. It was just that none of the subjects appealed to me. Maybe my brother was right though, maybe I should sort my life out and stop spending all my time in a lousy internet cafe.

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