Chapter 37

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Reagan stepped from the bedroom, in a teal blue dress she'd borrowed from her sister. Her hair was down and flowing over her shoulders and she'd even let Becca apply some make up. She never ever dressed up. She didn't exactly feel comfortable despite trying Geri's heels. She decided that if she was going to cope in this outfit all day then it would have to be flats. So she had put on a pair of white canvas shoes.

"Wow, Reag babe." Haley blew a stream of air from her mouth. "You look stunning." The blonde smiled as she sorted her suit.

Rae blushed at the compliment and the look on the blonde's face, "you look pretty hot yourself."

Haley's hair was tied back to cover the patch they had shaved during her operation. She nervously touched her hair.

"You don't notice it babe. You look amazing too."

"Mom, Haley, what do you think?" Katie came out from her room with a pair of new black leggings and a long loose white blouse. They both knew there was no way on earth el diva was going to wear a dress. She had her hair up and Becca had put a little make up on her too. "I look grown up."
She pouted her lips and pulled a model look.

"You look beautiful, kiddo." Haley bent her knees until she was Katie height. "Just one more thing."
She produced a small corsage and slipped it over her wrist.

"Rae I haven't forgotten yours." She winced slightly as she stood back up. Lifting a second flower box from the table she slipped the small bouquet over her wrist. Before reaching down and placing a gentle kiss on her lips.

"Right" Becca said. "Photo." She took her phone from her back pocket and snapped pictures of the happy family. She couldn't recall ever seeing her sister this happy.

Rae parked up outside the hotel, "everyone good."
She moved around the car and opened the door for Haley who was still feeling pain when she moved from a seated position. She took her hand, "seriously." She fixed the blondes buttonhole which had moved with the seatbelt, she shook her head. "That's better. You better go find Mel. Me and Katie will go get our seats."

"Okay." She kissed Rae and caressed Katie's shoulder. "I'll see you both soon."

"And Hale, no eyeing up the bridesmaids."

"I would never." She winked.


"Yeah, see when I get married,"

God I don't even want to think about that, "Yeah?"

"Do you think we could have a chocolate fountain and milkshakes for everyone?"

Rae smiled at the innocence of it all, "I'm sure you can have whatever you want sweetheart."

"I'm not going to have a broken arm, then I can get flowers on both my wrists."

Rae laughed.



"You look pretty when you smile. I'm glad you're happy."

"Me too, and I'm glad you're happy."

"I'll be happier when I can go back to Aerosmith and beat Clarissa in the competition."

"Come on, let's go find a seat."

Melanie McArthur looked stunning as she walked down the aisle but as Rae watched her she could take her eyes off the blonde following her as her maid of honor, Haley gave the brunette a smile and a wink as she passed.

She noticed Stella watching from the seats on Grant's side of the room. Her face was almost as red as her home dyed red hair. Haley didn't look in her direction once. Her crystal cool eyes fixed firmly on Rae and Katie.

"Mom, that must be Ms McArthur's mom. They look much more alike than you and grandma do."

"It must be." Rae took Katie's hand as the ceremony started,

"Mom, why are you crying?"

Rae smiled, "it's just nice, happy tears." God why do I have to be so sentimental. Oh god the make up I'll look like a panda in no time.

"That doesn't make sense."

Rae carefully patted the tears dry with a paper hanky the woman behind handed her. "Thank you." She reddened. She noticed Haley look at her and shake her head with a smile. Reagan shrugged her shoulders and giggled.

"Haley dear, I hear you've been in the wars."

"Mrs McArthur." Haley hugged and kissed the woman who had come over, on the cheek,
"I told you years ago to call me Gloria, you're an adult."

"I can't help it," the blonde smiled at the closest person she had to a parent in the world.

"And you must be Reagan and Katie."

"How do you do?" Katie offered a handshake while the adults looked on and smiled.

"What a polite young lady."

"My teacher is your daughter." Katie added matter of factly.

"Is she indeed and is she a good teacher?"

"The best."

"So..." the older woman smiled. "Let me see it."
Rae held out her left hand. "That's lovely, the sapphires suit your eyes. That was your mother's engagement ring?"

"Yeah." Haley nodded.

"I wish you both all the happiness in the world." Gloria McArthur gave them both a hug. Before heading over to join her daughter.

The party was winding down, Katie was asleep on some beach seating with Haley's jacket draped over her.

"Do you want to dance?" Haley offered her hand.

"I'm rubbish"

"Just hold on to me and I'll see you right"

Rae took her fiancées hand and they walked onto the dancefloor. It was a slow song and there were only a few couples making the most of it. Rae rested her head against Haley's chest. While they held each other, moving in time with the music.

"Do you want a big wedding?" The blonde asked.

"No not like this, I've got a lot of family though, so I don't know. I think it would be great if it was like just us being us, you know not too flashy are fancy,"

"A bbq, bonfire and barn dance."

"You know that kinda sounds ideal."

"It does, doesn't it."

"We have to get milkshakes and a chocolate fountain for Katie though."

Haley laughed. She moved her hand up onto Rae's face, "deal." Looking into her eyes she said everything with her gaze.

"I love you too, the future Mrs Mitchell."



"Haley Mitchell Reid. Yeah I can live with that." She twirled Rae under her arms and then pulled her back in close. Sealing the dance with a tender kiss.

Rae had lifted the sleeping Katie who really was getting to big for her to lift, and headed out to bring the car round while Haley was saying her goodbyes.

"Its true you're engaged?" Stella stopped in front of the blonde.

"Yeah it's true. I love her and nothing has ever felt more right."

Stella scowled, "she's trash."

"No you are, you might come from money but deep inside you're just spoiled and rotten, I hope you find happiness I really do. But you're not a friend, you're nothing to me anymore. I can't believe you tried to hurt me and Rae like you did. She's a better woman than you'll ever be. So if you'll excuse me. Just fuck off out my life."
Haley walked away into the waiting car with her family.

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