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 Only minutes have gone by, but they feel like hours

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Only minutes have gone by, but they feel like hours. I take the time to explain to my brothers the importance of being gentle with Parker. Not only will we need to be careful about her tearing her stitches, but the state of her mind will also be damaged.

A few more doctors on Parker's team have briefly stopped by to introduce themselves, as well as countless checks of her vitals.

Now, I watch as Luca struggles to stay awake. Now thinking of it, we all must be exhausted. It's early in the morning about 3 A.M. none of us want to sleep in the event of missing Parker wake up.

A quiet whimper catches my attention, so quiet I almost missed it over the beeping machines. I anxiously shift my gaze to Parker, hoping to see her awake. I breathe a sigh of relief seeing she has.

"Hey bambina, how do you feel?" I ask softly.

Her frantic eyes searching the room snap to me. A worry, confusion, and fear are evident on her face. I notice her heart rate picking up.

"Shhh, it's okay, you're okay now." I try to reassure her.

My words don't seem to reach her. She yanks her hand from mine, wincing in pain at her own action.

"Parker, you need to calm down." Ares orders, standing from his chair.

Parker does not even spare Ares a glance. Her breaths are now coming more rapidly. Tears well in her eyes.

"I'm gonna go get a doctor." Luca announces, now wide awake.

I send him a brief nod, my attention still on Parker.

"Parks, bambina, please, you need to calm down." I urge, gently grabbing her hand again.

My touch seems to ground her, but only temporarily. She jerks her hand away from mine again. Only this time she begins thrashing when I go to grab it again. Not wanting her to further injure herself by resisting my touch, I let go.

With my hand no longer holding hers, she uses it to begin ripping at her wires. Tears stream down her face as she mumbles words incoherently.

Feeling as though the only good option would be to hold her down, I briefly lock eyes with Ares. He quickly catches on to what I am hinting at.

"You grab her legs, I'll get her arm. Be gentle." I tell Ares.

We share one final glance before leaping into action. As soon as our hands make contact, Parker struggles. Being immobilized, she begins thrashing, bucking her hips in an attempt to break free. She screams in anguish and pain.

A doctor and two nurses followed by Luca rush into the room, they quickly access the situation. Parker's heart rate monitor beats rapidly as she continues her desperate attempt.

My eyes snap to her side, a growing red stain is visible. Cazzo.

"She tore her stitches!" I shout to the doctor, hoping he can hear me over Parker's screaming.

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