Right Turn - Layne Staley X OFC 🔞

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I couldn't tell you how I became an interviewer for MTV, being the shy, quiet and somewhat introverted type of girl who would rather curl up on the couch with a good book, than be at so many parties like I have been for the last year or so. Honestly, these parties are just to get closer to musicians so I can even get a slight chance of interviewing them for my employer, and being in the midst of a grunge boom in 1992, I was eventually going to speak to someone from that scene sooner or later. Thing is, I'm 25 years old, fresh off of an indie radio show from New York, and in front of a camera most weeks for Music Television. Knowing I will be seen by millions each week is a shock to me after just having my voice heard by a few thousand. I have interviewed smaller bands and independent musicians, but tonight at 'MTV Drops the Ball' at the Roseland Ballroom for the New Years Eve party, there will be a few popular musicians in attendance. The main musical guest of the evening? Alice in Chains, an alternative four-piece band, out of Seattle, Washington. One of the big four of the 'grunge' movement, along with Nirvana, Pearl Jam and Soundgarden.

I have made sure I'm looking my best, with a tight fitting red mini dress and some killer black stilettos, my long blonde hair curled and gathered to the left side of my head. I feel sexy, which is a first for me as I'm often found rocking some jeans, Docs and a band tee. Comfort has always been my style, but tonight I have to make the effort, not only for the viewers of the New Years Eve celebrations but to get attention from the musicians. It seems shallow, but the more you stand out, the more chance you get to be the one to interview the band members.

My camera guy, Tony, is first to introduce me to the bass player, Mike Starr, who is not so subtly staring at my chest. His eyes wander to my face, as he notices that my cleavage isn't the only impressive thing about me. He gives me a slight smile, his eyes looking me up and down as if he likes what he sees. I'm not going to lie when I say I think he is handsome as hell, there's something about him, like the way he looks at me, something deeper, like he's trying to figure me out or play a game with me.

"Hey...I'm Mike Starr." He says, putting out his hand for me to shake, with a slight grin.

I take up the offer to shake his hand and reply "Heather...Heather Hill. Nice to meet you."

"Nice..." he says with a slight chuckle. "Your name sounds like a porn star name."

I laugh with him and don't dare tell him I was a centerfold for Penthouse magazine two years prior. No lie.

"I guess your name could be seen the same way." I reply with enough sass, that he realises I'm being playful.

"Then that works out for the two of us." he says as he takes a draw of his cigarette, blowing the smoke to the side. "You free after the show?"

"I'll have to get back to you....I'm a busy woman Mr Starr." I respond. "Am I interviewing you this evening?"

"Yeah, and Layne...our frontman." Mike adds, as a guy with long blonde hair comes over and hands him a pint of beer. "Thanks man." Mike says.

"Is this Layne?" I ask, feeling kinda stupid I'm unware who anyone in the band is. Mike laughs into his beer as the man looks at me, the same scanning eyes that Mike seems to have.

"Nah darling, I'm a lot bigger than Layne if you get me." he winks. Okay is this band just full of hot assholes?

"Oh, sorry, I'm new to this job. My knowledge tends to span to indie acts, I apologise." I say, with a smile.

"You're good babe, I'm Jerry Cantrell." the blonde responds. "I'm the guitarist." 

Mike notices Jerry eyeing me, the same way he did and says "I saw her first man...", with the guitarist rolling his eyes at the bass player's remark.

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