At least, that's what she had thought he needed. She thought they were becoming good friends through all this. They were even something of a team when it came to little Gavi. That one little comment had her doubting all that, which hurt.

Had she been overstepping too much? She hadn't meant to. Her comment today was only meant to help. She thought they were on the same page regarding this being a happy trip for Gavin. She didn't think spending the rest of it answering the many questions he was sure to have was such a good idea.

She leaned against a big oak tree and slid down to a seated position on the ground. She stared off into the horizon, which was blurred from her tears.

Up to this point, she'd felt like Rocco valued her opinion. She knew obviously that she wasn't Gavin's parent, but she was his aunt and the person who cared for him full-time. Her thoughts should count for something, right?

Maybe she'd pushed too hard or said too much. This was all new territory to her and him too.

"This isn't about you." She told herself sternly. He's hurting, and he's not himself right now.

She had to let Rocco do what he felt he needed to do and be supportive when it came to Gavin.

She dried her tears and sighed softly before pulling herself up. A nice long walk was exactly what she needed to refocus. She wanted this trip to be full of fun and happy memories, and she was determined to see that through.

Even if he was going to make it difficult.


Rocco felt awful about snapping at Dani as he did. He'd barely slept the night before. His emotions were all twisted and confusing, and it all became too much. He'd seen how her face fell, and her voice cracked before she nearly ran out.

Maybe he was the asshole Alyssa said he was. What the hell was wrong with him? No one else would ever make a girl as sweet and kind as Dani cry.

"Where did my Auntie Dani go?" Gavin looked up from the coloring book he'd been engrossed in.

"She went for a walk. Cause you and I are going to go fishing today." He mustered up as much enthusiasm as possible, but it felt hollow.

"I want Auntie Dani to go fish too," he said, with that little defiant look in his eyes.

"If she comes with then you can't surprise her with all the fishies you're going to catch." Rocco said.

That seemed to do the trick cause his little face lit up. He was such a soft-hearted boy. He loved doing surprises. It made Rocco proud.

"I gonna catch so many!" Gavin cheered as he jumped up and ran towards the door.

"Hold on, wait for Dad!" Rocco chuckled a little and ran after him.

A little while later, he and Gavin were set up near a fishing hole only a few blocks from the cabin. Rocco got both their lines cast out and then they sat down on a blanket and watched the bobbers float in the water.

"Come on, fishies!" Gavin cooed happily, his emerald eyes sparkling in the bright sun. Rocco glanced back to the creek to see Gavin's bobber had gone under.

"You got one, Gavi!" Rocco said quickly, getting up and helping him reel it in. It was a nice size sunfish, and Gavin cheered happily as Rocco held it up.

"Good job, champ!" Rocco told the excited boy who was beaming with pride.

"I got one!" Gavin jumped up and down happily. "I got one!"

The dark cloud hovering over him disappeared at that moment and was replaced with sheer happiness. Seeing his child so happy and proud made it impossible not to feel that right along with them. He was looking forward to an entire lifetime of memories like this through Gavin's eyes.

The Sister Between ThemOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz