Tara: Got it. 

Bailey: And remember, travel in public. The more people around you, the less chance he has to take a shot at you before you get there.

I end the call, looking up to the others. "I'll text Lia to meet us there, if she really is ghostface than it's best we keep her close." The others agree and I text Lia to meet us at the theater, not telling her we have a plan yet. I don't believe she could be ghostface, but she could have killed Sam's therapist. She was gone for hours and answered none of our calls, that is just unavoidable. I love her and I really hope we're wrong about this, she's just been through so much and I haven't been there for her. Tht's one thing I regret, I should've been with her and help her get better. I was thinking to much about myself to even realise she wasn't feeling good. 

Pov Lia: 

We walk into the theater and Kirby closes the door behind us. "I cleared the whole place before you got here. So, this is the only way in or out. He steps in through the first door, both doors lock automatically, trapping him inside. We turn it into a kill box." Kirby strated to explain the plan and I nod. It's not a bad plan, it's just that I think ghostface isn't gonna fall for this one. "Weapons?" Sam asked her "One gun, and I hold onto it." Is she serious that is such a ghostface move. "How are we supposed to protect ourselves, huh. You want me to punch him while he stabs me." I say annoyed. 

 "I am the only one with a badge here and that's the way it's gonna be. We're safe here." Kirby tells me. Safe how is it safe if we're just waiting for the killer to show up and attack us. "You're insane, none of this is safe. You can't outsmart ghostface, have you not learned anything from the past." I storm out of the room hoping they fall for it. I kind of expected something like this to happen, that's exactly why I brought my own gun. 

I hear someone come from behind me so I quickly turn around to be met with my beautiful girlfriend. "I'm sorry I wasn't there for you." Tara told me in a whisper as she approached me. "I'm a shitty girlfriend, I see that now." Tara sighs. "I love you, Lee. I always will. so please forgive me." I pulled her in connecting our lips. Tara placed her hand on the back of my neck kissing me back. 

"I never wanted you to be just a chapter for me, I wanted you to be my entire book Tara. I love you and I want to be with you, that's all I know right now, that's all I have going for me." I did not think I would be having this conversation with her. "I lost everything except for you, I won't lose you now and not ever." As I was about to connect our lips again Tara screams out in pain when ghostface shoved their knife into her back. "Tara!" She gets shoved to the ground by ghostface and they started swinging their knife at me. "Fuck you Mindy!" I duck down just in time for the knife to pass me and god I just saw my life flash before my eyes. I get a good punch in, hitting them right in the face and giving me enough time to get to the door with Tara. "Let's go, let's go, let's go." I say holding her up by her waist whilst pushing her towards the door opening it. 

I let out a loud scream as Sam appears on the other side of the door. "We have to go!" I yell at Sam who grabs her sisters hand pulling her along. I close the door behind us trying to keep up with them. "It's Kirby. She's the killer." Sam tells us and she's probably right, she tricked us. "No shit!" Chad yells catching up to us. "I heard you guys screaming." He says and i'm really not liking this anymore. "So what we're trapped?" I ask mostly Sam looking around for any sort of exit. "She made this whole theater a kill box. for us." 

"Hey what about that? There is an exit door. Maybe it leads to the roof or something" Tara says pointing upwards, hell what are we gonna do on the damn roof, jump off of it. "Only one way to find out." I start walking towards the ladder Ghostface jumps infront of me Charging at me with their  knife, giving me just enough time to jump to the side, Tara doing the same. Ghostface now swinging their knife at Sam and Chad.

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