The dark haired Titan took a few steps forward, he felt really akward sitting in silence so he tried to stir up some conversation, "Hey, how have you been feeling?"

Molten kept quiet, the sad pathetic look he gave Ducky was enough for him to recognise his cousin was in pain and this time it was not just the wounded leg, "... Not...great..."

The boy closed the distance between them, placing a hand on Molten's shoulder comfortingly. A weak smile spread across the child's lips at the soft gesture of his younger cousin. Both turned to see Frost Spirit walk towards them. He paced around the room, as if he was stuggling to piece something together, ignoring the little moment they were having.

Eventually he blurted out, "I just... cannot  believe he actually went through with the whole thing."

Ducky understood his frustration instantly whilst Molten displayed his confusion with a small, "...what?"

"Gravedigger!...That boy is too impulsive for his own good... Unpredictable what might have been going on through his head when he decided it would be a grand idea to run away chasing after a de-....a dead man." Frost stuttered, feeling his words leave him at the thought of his dear father.

A pause, followed by a shocked,
"... Frosty you knew?!"

Frost Spirit rapidly gazed up from the floor realizing he had spoken outloud,
"Hm?! "

Molten repeated, "You knew Gravedigger was going to leave?! "

Ducky chimed in quickly," Yeah, after that fight with Swordbutt when he was brought before the others to explain what was happening, he ran to the garage and we went after him and... Well, he said he knew how to open the portal and find uncle Krampus and we thought he was out of his mind but... Yeah... Next night he... He left. "

Molten screeched, "And neither of you tried to stop him?!"

Ducky jumped, "We didn't think he would actually go through with it! I thought he was insane!"

"I told him to silence his nonsense" continued Frost, "But he chose not to. Somethings are better left uncovered and...the boy couldn't understand that even if it slapped him in the face..." and with that Frost Spirit took his leave. The more he talked about a dead man the more he felt his heart shatter. He shut the door.

Molten felt his tears come in again, he didn't mean to upset Frost but how could they both have known about everything and not do anything. So, now he felt like he lost both his brother and his best friend.
Ducky noticed the solemn expression adorning the face of his firey cousin.

"Hey, don't take it personally. Frosty isn't mad at you...just sad with the whole thing... You know he is sensibile when it comes to his father and...what Gravedigger did opened up some old wounds.."

Molten closed his eyes, "My brother wants to help our family... Not hurt it."

"... He is not doing a great job at it... But I believe you." Ducky pulled his cousin close, letting him quietly sob.


Frost Spirit trudged down the halls. He was not thinking where he was going, all he needed was to get out of here and fast. That faithful evening kept bothering him, Grave's words spinning in his head... Even with the slightest chance that his father is alive, why would he of all people go through so much just to bring him back? What were his motives?
In the event that the portal malfunctioned, he could have been killed and taken that Tower boy down with him... How irresponsabile... Yet, admirable? Just how far he would go for his family....Urghh why is this boy such an enigma?! Why can't he stay in his lane like Molten? Why sacrifice everything for a man that might be... No, is dead... The young man took a deep breath, even he didn't believe those last words. A miniscule sliver of hope kept him anxiously awaiting the return of his cousin and uncle with his father despite the many years that have gone by without a trace-..!

Frost suddenly bumped into someone, unaware of his surroundings. He muttered a 'sorry' not lifting his eyes of the carpeted ground.
A strong hand lifted his chin up, it was the flame filled eyes of his uncle, Lord Sinister, that met him. He appeared to be upset maybe even a tad worried. With dark circles around his eyes and an unusual frown, he looked almost as serious and tired as uncle Fallen King which was alarming for someone as jolly as him. The dark blue hoodie and sweatpants combo did not help improve the appearance either.

"Uncle, they let you go already?"

"Yeah, yeah after a lecture from father and prying Swordmaster off of Warden that is..." sighed Sinister. Taking a closer look at Frost, he points, ".. What's the matter with you? You look sad."

"Same could be said about you, uncle." muttered Frost.

"Hey no! I asked first! You got'ta answer." puffed Sinister, crossing his arms over his chest. Seeing he got no response, he wrapped his arm around his nephew, "Tell you what. Lets go outside for a walk and we can talk then instead of in this stuffy hall. Whad'ya say?"

Frost hugged himself, leaning a little on his uncle's shoulder, "Yeah...that would be nice"

He let himself be led by Sinister, out the back of the medical ward. Down the corridor, in the far left corner was an exit to the outside training grounds, no doubt for injured soldiers. They went through, the sun already setting outside. The colder breeze felt lovely between the feathers of his wings, if things hadn't been so grim maybe he would have gone on a flight. They took a seat on a nearby bench, it was quiet with no one around. Sinister straightened, turning back to Frost.

"Will ya tell me what's wrong now?"

"..just everything...Uncle! Everything!" he shrieked. The young man covered his head with his hands, leaving his uncle shocked at the loud reaction. Never had he seen the soft spoken child so stressed.

"Hey, hey! It's okay! Look at me. Hey!"
He cuped his nephew's face into his hand brushing away the tears with his thumbs. "It will be okay Frosty!"

Frost Spirit sobbed as he tried to push his words out, "But w-what if it's not going to be?! What if-if they died too?! Or even if t-they bring dad back...what if he doesn't re- recognise us?! Wh- what if his hurt..or gone mad?! What if-"

"Frost Spirit that is enough!"

The shaking boy locked eyes with his uncle, this was the sternest voice to have ever come out of him.

"We have to stay positive, kiddo! I am scared too... Mortiffied even. But we need to be strong! Our Family sticks together no matter what, you know that!", he wavered slightly, " I... don't know if they will make it back...and I have no clue what on Earth that kid had in his mind when he decided it was a good idea but have you seen his room?! That child had an actual plan, prepared top to bottom and if there is anyone crazy enough to do it it's him. I always told ya' Frosty, it's the quiet ones who are scary, they don't talk so they think more than others. And that kid barely spoke a word at family gatherings.. Who knows what insane nonsense is going on up there. "he pointed to his head," But we have to trust it, if my super skeptical, helicopter parent of a brother trusted it enough to walk through that damned portal then we have to as well. A'ight?"

Frost Spirit simply nodded. Maybe his uncle had a point but to convince himself, he too has to see what Grave had mapped out in his room with the Tower boy. For now though, it had been a long enough day and a bear hug from his uncle was all he needed.

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