KGV: To my knowledge, we are only going there to exchange Prinz Eugen for commander James and the Queen decided that rather than going there with a whole fleet and them mistaking us for attacking them, it would be better to go with one strong shipgirl such as myself.

Hearing the word strong, Y/n's excitement grew.

Y/n: And how strong are you?

Before Belfast could stop her, KGV was already talking.

KGV: I am the head of the royal knights, so in terms of strength within the royal navy, I would be one of the strongest.

Y/n was so excited that he literally appeared in front of her and clasped her hands. KGV who had never had such intimate moments, yelped cutely and blushed like a highschool girl, while Belfast sighed and Eugen watched with interest.

KGV: Wha-what are you doing!?

Y/n: Please have a fight with me!

KGV: U-um, please let go of my hands and I may c-consider it!?

Y/n quickly let of her hands and just stood there with sparkly eyes, while KGV was still blushing from the previous actions.

Eugen: My my~, I didn't expect the head of the royal knights to be so shy by just having her hands held by a man~.

KGV blushed even more when Eugen teased her but Y/n was stilling looking at her with eyes that were so pure that she couldn't really say no.

KGV: I-i will fight you after we are done with this mission but pl-please don't ever surprise me like that again.

Y/n was so excited about the prospect of a fight that he didn't even catch what KGV said after saying she will fight him and just straight hugged the three shipgirls that were there with him, causing them to yelp and blush and just spun them around excitedly.

After releasing them, KGV just sat down with hot steam coming out of her head, Eugen just stood there with a faint blush while Belfast was pinching Y/n's ear with a blush on her face with Y/n yelling for mercy.

45 minutes later

Eugen: We have finally arrived! Wlecome! To the base of the Iron Blood!

As she said that, the other three looked up to see a huge Island with many walls of defence surrounding it and pointing their guns at them. At the same time, there was a huge fleet of Iron Blood ships in front of them and leading them was the Iron Blood leader herself Bismarck.

Bismarck: Welcome uninvited guests, it seems that you have brought Eugen with you. Would you kindly hand over Eugen to us, unless you want to face the wrath of the whole Iron Blood.

Eugen looked proud while the other two shipgirls turned serious. Y/n? He was just excited!

Before anyone could talk, Y/n jumped off of KGV's ship and high into the air landing right in front of Bismarck causing her and everyone to bulge their eyes out at the inhuman feat Y/n had just shown.

Y/n: Heya, I heard that my little brother has been causing a bit of trouble here during his stay, so I just came to pick him up! Though I wouldn't mind fighting all of you!

Bismarck was so shocked by him that it took he 30 seconds to finally register what he said into her mind.

Bismarck: You didn't come here to fight?

Y/n thought Bismarck's confused face looked cute but he didn't come here to flirt, he came here to give his brother a whooping.

Y/n: Yup, a little birdie told me that you were willing to let him go but he didn't want to since he didn't have to do paperwork, so we are just here to pick him up, if you do, Eugen will be back in your safe hands.

Bismarck was quite happy with this situation. Since commander James was just kidnapped to scare Azur lane and tell them that the Crimson Axis were not to be trifled with, but they did not expect James to not want to go back to Azur Lane but the situation right now was helping them.

Bismarck: Alright, we will give you James and you will give us Eugen but right now we are enemies so please go back to your allies or else my subordinates would not be so kind.

Y/n looked behind Bismarck and all he could see was naval guns being pointed right at him.

Y/n: I understand but can you do me a favour.

Bismarck: I don't think we are so close that you can ask for a favour but sure, I will hear you out.

Bismarck decided to listen to him, since she has never seen such an interesting human.

Y/n: Can you give me your number?

Bismarck took a few seconds to register what Y/n said into her mind, then her face turned into a huge blushing mess and she screamed at him


Everyone else widened their eyes at Bismarck sudden scream, then widened their eyes further at what she said. Everyone was too shocked.

Y/n: Well, I wanna fight ya, but I already got a fight booked for later, so if I have your number, I can call you to fight, plus you're cute, who wouldn't want a cute girl's number?

Bismarck's brain just short-circuited as she fell down to her knees, her face red as an tomato and steam coming out of her head.

Some of the Iron Blood girls rushed in to take care of her, while Belfast had finally came to Y/n's side and this time pinched both of his ears.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2023 ⏰

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