"You just need to help us as well..." Someone whispered into her ear, making her eyes go wide. 

"You know what, I think I can manage this on my own- thanks for offering, but-" She was cut off as one of the others threw an arm around her shoulders, whispering in her other ear:

"Too fuckin late."

Valerie's eyes fell even wider as she realised they weren't gonna let her go. She didn't even know what they wanted from her. Had she done something? No, she'd stuck to herself and hadn't spoken a word to them... 

"Don't worry poppet- we aren't gonna hurt you..." One of the boys laughed as he felt Valerie's muscles tightening in fear. "Just come with us and you might actually... enjoy it."

Valerie's cheeks fell bright red as they realised that that was what they wanted with her. Fuck. 

She had heard some of the girls in form time giggling and gossiping about the rumour that the popular group had sometimes shared girlfriends and had sex before, but she didn't think that it was true... let alone that they'd do it to her. Valerie had felt disgusted when she heard those girls talk about how they would 100% let them do it, and now as she felt horrified as she realised she was in the position where that could happen to her

They began leading her through the front entrance, nobody stopping them in their wake as they simply looked like a bunch of school friends, didn't they? Only when they opened the door and led Valerie out, her head drooped and facing the floor did anyone make a remark.

"Oi, what you doing?" Vik shouted from the seats at the group. Thank fucking God for Vik, Valerie thought as she raised her head to make eye contact with the group, who had now trained all eyes on the huddle. "Valerie? What-"

"Mind your own fuckin business, Thickko," One of the boys retorted and laughed with one another at the name. 

"What the fuck are you doing with Valerie." Josh had stood up and almost stated the question- any hint of joy he'd previously held now wiped from his expression- eyes cold and expression intimidating. 

"Don't you worry about that, emo..." Chris laughed mockingly. "Oh and here's your hot chocolates-"

Will from behind them threw the tray onto the table, landing with a clatter as the drinks fell to their sides, a two's lids getting knocked off and scalding Simon and Harry with the boiling drinks. 

A crude laughter rang from the other boys as Simon and Harry had screamed at the sensation, now soaked with the hot and sticky remains whilst the rest of the group stared at them in horror.

"You coming or not, Jide?" Cal asked, almost threateningly. Of course, they were his friends- why wouldn't they ask that. Valerie looked to JJ, his eyes wide and every muscle seeming to be frozen in his body with shock. Valerie was almost pleading with her eyes before he seemed to unfreeze, and nodded, getting up to join the horrible group, at least managing to shove one of the others off and sling an arm around Valerie, providing at least a fraction of comfort.

"Oh, and thanks for letting us have a go with Freya." They cackled at Josh, his hands curling together and into fists, pupils dilating and jaw tensing in clear agitation, "Yeah, she gave real good dome..." Valerie's eyes widened at the statement, though she only felt more uncomfortable as she felt someone begin stroking her hair from behind. " Not as good as this one might though-"

The grip on Valerie's waist and hair instantly fell slack as the person let out a scream, hands going to cover their face as Josh had tossed the tray at them, a mix of cutlery and boiling beverage covering two of the boys, whilst the other two looked between Josh and their screaming friends in horror. 

"What you gonna try fight?" Josh began cracking his knuckles and rolling his neck, clearly ready for a fight. The other two boys looked slightly unsure, though luckily they didn't have to make the decision. 

"Don't try fight them you imbeciles- get us to the fucking A&E!" The boy on the ground yelled, causing the other two to share a look before scurrying to help their group off the floor and in the opposite direction, yelling profanities back at us. 

Valerie turned around to face her group, wanting to cry as she felt the weight fall from her shoulders down to her heart as she saw Simon and Vik mopping themselves with tissues and taking their jackets off despite the freezing cold, whilst Harry tried comforting them with wide eyes- JJ trying the same with Valerie- though Valerie felt as though she wasn't even present in the moment- as though she were watching a movie that wasn't her own life. 

Josh's hand found Valerie's hand, gripping it tightly enough for her to feel comfort, and yet also tightly enough to feel pain. 

"Great shit everyone, but we are fucking going now."

With that, Josh turned his back and made Valerie stumble slightly as his hand dragged her away, not turning back to look at her as he marched away, still clearly seething from the bullshit end to a what he had planned to be a beautiful day for him and Valerie. 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2023 ⏰

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