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"Hey... You're the same guy from yesterday morning, right?" She smiled happily, sitting next to him and smoothing her skirt. 

"Uh, yeah, that was me." He let out a chuckle and replied, eye contact wavering. Much to his surprise, she let out a small laugh too. "So... You do computing?"

"Yep! I either want to be a computer person or psychiatrist when I'm older, so I'm taking computing GCSE."

"Huh, same really." Vik stated, matter of factly. "Anyways, so what's this project then."

"Hm... 'using Python make an interactive information website.'" She read from her booklet.

"You good with using Python?" Vik questioned, opening the programme and a notes page.

"I prefer Visual basics but I'm just as good with Python." The girl replied, flicking through the booklet before looking back up. "I'm Valentina, too, but just call me Valerie ."

"That's a cool name." Vik nodded, enjoying the small talk. She too wasn't annoying. Bearable. "Well then, let's start this project."


Vik looked at the little digital clock in the corner of his computer. 

"Well then, I think that's all we can do for today." Vik thought aloud, shutting down his notes page.

Currently they hadn't quite agreed on a topic. Let alone finish the full task of design the first web page. And it didn't seem like they would be able to do it just afterschool, either.

"Mhm, yeah." Valerie sighed. "You wanna meet up over the weekend to try get it done?"

"Sure!" Vik said, perhaps a bit too enthusiastically. Her presence was almost energising. "Want to trade Discords to arrange it later today?"

"Of course." She smiled, handing her phone to Vik as he send a request to Vikkstar123.

As the other people in the classroom filtered out, Valerie waited for Vik to pack his bag before walking out with him. An action which Vik greatly appreciated. He usually felt as though he wasn't considered much of a friend to people. He was just a helper. For homework reminders, due dates, and... Well, to be cheated off. He couldn't offer much, but he tried where he could. Even if it meant he was taken for all he was worth. 

The walk to their lockers was a slow one, seen as they had been let out of the lesson early, and the rest of the school hadn't been released form their lessons yet- allowing them to walk at their own pace through the virtually empty corridor, talking about Minecraft- a topic they seemed to have in common.

Whilst Vik particularly liked the creeper, Valerie preferred the slime.

They were so deep in conversation of their first time of killing the enderdragon- they didn't even realise they had lockers right next to each other. 

"Hang on, you're my locker buddy?" Vik questioned, crouching down to open his locker below Valerie's own.

"I had no idea either." She chuckled. "I suppose it's because we come into schools at different times. 

"S'pose so." Vik agreed.

"Wait, you paint your nails?" Valerie  asked, catching sight of his nails as he opened his locker door. They were a very light shade of pink- barely noticeable, but he blushed none the less- conscious that she might hold a grudge to him or call him a "gay emo", as one of his old friends did- leading him to use less vibrant hues. 

"Uh, yeah." Vik mumbled.

"They're a nice colour." Valerie smiled, shoving all of her books in her bag and checking her phone. "Oh, I have to go for now- but I'll see you tomorrow or something. Bye!"

"Bye!" Vik called after her. 

God, he was going to have to say something about her on Sunday...



Vally #8347: ELLO VIK

Vikkstar123 #0001: heya

Vally: Hru?

Vikkstar123: Good, u?

Vally: Swell
Vally: Nice user btw

Vikkstar123: ;-;

Vally: :DD

Vikkstar123: Anyways, abt the comp hwk

Vally: Yes ofc

Vikkstar123: Wanna meet tmrw 

Vally: Can't do tmrw... Sunday work?

Vikkstar123: Sure, where meet

Vally: I'd offer my house but bc i just moved in it barely has furniture

Vikkstar123: Where r u from? Ur accent doesn't sound very familiar


Vikkstar123: Lol i thought u were american for a while

Vally: Yeaahh so did some of the popular boys
Vally: Got fuckin harassed in the library

Vikkstar123: Christ
Vikkstar123: Do u know who they were?

Vally: Idk but the one who wasn't bullying but was with their group was called Olajide or JJ or somth
Vally: I heard his name in a register once i think

Vikkstar123: Yeah, JJ's friends are dicks
Vikkstar123: But JJ's alright

Vally: Mhm, im yet to talk to anyone other than u and some of the girls in my class
Vally: The girls are really nice but i dont think they really like me much

Vikkstar123: Well, i dont have too many friends so feel free to stick with me in school
Vikkstar123: -also if you want to be considered a nerd in school

Vally: Sounds ideal

Vikkstar123: anyways, meet at my house Sunday at 10am?

Vally: Sounds good

Vikkstar: My address is ############################################

Vally: No way u live only like a street away

Vikkstar: Sick
Vikkstar: anyways im off for now

Vally: probs same then

Vikkstar: night

Vally: NIGHT!


Whilst two individuals were calmly sleeping in their beds, one unknowing that he'd planned homework on the same day as his day with the boys- a few streets away- JJ couldn't sleep at all.

He could hear his Mother arguing with his Dad, and the constant shuffling of Deji from the room next to his- reminding him that nobody in this house was asleep.

Two strong voices rung through the household, shaking JJ's frame, keeping him up, scaring him- making his anxiety go through the roof of the small house he was appointed within. 

He couldn't stand when his parents argued. It was always over something small. The dishes not in the dishwasher, coming home late form work, leaving something not in the right place... It was always something so insignificant that was blow out of proportion and fought over. This house was a battleground to JJ. Hence, with every opportunity presented- JJ would get out of the house. Though Yinka would scold him and sometimes even hit him when he came back, it was worth it. Avoiding the bullshit at home was worth every minute later he came home. 

A plate could be heard smashing downstairs, followed by one voice escalated to screams. 

JJ rolled over and tightened his grip on the bat underneath his pillow.  

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