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Poland eventually drags herself to bed  she avoids looking at Germany as to not upset herself. But there is a question in her head. a question she needs an answer too.

"hey neimcy?" she crosses over to his side of the bed and sits on the floor beside him.
"don't you think it's a little quiet here?" she asks

"a little I suppose why do you ask?"
He replies.

"well don't you think this house needs a little life?" she asks.

"well aren't you alive enough? I know I am." he says in contempt.

"well it's been sort of... Dull recently." she manages.

Germany sits up fully attentive now.

"well you should see what it's like in an office. Emails to respond to, people you don't want to talk to-"

"yes but.... Oh Germany I think I want kids." she cuts in.

Germany looks annoyed at this

"listen my job is very important I don't want little kids distracting me."
He says flatly.

"They won't I'll look after them." she attempts to reassure him.

"oh please love you can't take care of yourself let alone another country." he laughs.
"listen if you're really that bored and lonely you should Rearrange the library that room is a mess."

She begins to argue but decides it's not worth his anger. "Allright then... Good night neimcy."

"Good night."

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