"Still you may not know, they might be someone who survived. Knowing your name might hel-"

"August... my name is August Kaiser." I said my name, I turned my head and looked her straight at her eye. "And I've watched my family die in front of my eyes."


*unknown pov*

"August..." he cut me off, still I can understand him, his been through a lot, such a young child yet such a tragedy he experienced at his very young age. "my name is August Kaiser." he continued, as he turned and looked at me. his eyes devoid of any emotions. "And I've watched my family die in front of my eyes."

I can feel the poison in his voice, emotions of weakness and agony, another orphan because of Evilus. Fuck... the words of Finn entered my mind, if only we've arrived much sooner, we could have saved them.

"August... I'm sorry" was all that I could say, I don't know what to do. Kaiser, he's the son of my former comrade, yet I can't think of a damn thing to make it all better.

He was still looking at me, eyes like that of a dead fish, bloodshot from the crying he did, as  tears continues to fall.

"Kaiser, you're the son of Siegfried Kaiser right?" I ask trying to find a topic to continue the conversation, I still have to ask him a few more question.

he nodded his head, yet no voice came out.

"My name is Shakti Varma, I'm an old companion of your father...."


It was rough, as I leave the make shift hospital tent. I finished questioning him, August Kaiser, the son of the Vanguard Siegfried Kaiser, 6 years of age, young... too young to experienced all of that, I can't understand what he must be feeling right now.

As I made my way on the main tent, I can't take the event that he witnessed off my mind, he saw everything, he saw the death of his family, them being killed and ravaged my the horde.

Since the events that happened 4 years ago, with the fall of Zeus and Hera's familias and the disappearance of the two gods, evilus a group of evil gods took the opportunity and allied together to destroy Orario. thus an alliance was created to stop them.

They must be stop, no matter what, they WILL be stop, this time known as the dark ages will end.

I arrived at the main tent, feeling exhausted, Talking with the kid drained me more than I thought it would, as I entered I saw some members of my familia as well as others.

Finn is at the front reading the reports, he looks at me and nodded, I nod back.

"so how is he? what did you find out from talking to him?" he asked, his eyes returning to the papers he was reading.

"he's awake... hurt, but nonetheless awake. our hunch was right, he's the son of the Vanguard."

At the mention of Siegfried name, most of Ganesha familia expressed their sadness, Sieg was a friend for us all, and his death hit us because of it.

"his name is August Kaiser, age six." at the mention of his age every adventurer showed a face of displeasure.



"That's too young."

Everyone agrees, August was too young to experience any of the things he experienced earlier that day.

Finn hearing that closed his fist, the paper crinkling at his hands as palatable anger can be seen from his expression.

"Everything he said corresponded with the other survivors, that everything happened so fast, one minute everything was normal, the next minute all hell broke loose. No sign or warning. and with Siegfried here in the village I'm sure that he could have spotted warnings from a potential monster attack and prepared the necessary steps for evacuation."

"maybe The Vanguard became rusty, he did retired 12 years ago, so him missing the sign for a monster attack is still a possibility." an adventurer from Freya familia

"Impossible." Mia Grand answered, another member of Freya familia and its captain stood up. She's a dwarf with an incredibly large build, she's also one of the strongest person in Orario, a level 6 adventurer. "the sense of an adventurer will always stay with him, no matter how long he was inactive, his instincts after countless dungeon runs won't go away, especially the Vanguard's."

"I agree." Finn also shares the sentiment as well as most of the members of Ganesha familia, me included.

"I've seen the Vanguard in action, it may have been a long time but he was level 3 when I was level 4." Mia Grand continues. "He senses danger and rushes towards it faster than anyone including me. hence he was granted the alias of the Vanguard."

"But we have to take into account the 12 years he was retired, 12 years is a long time Captain." the adventurer from freya answered back.

"Not for us." I answer. "the Ganesha familia specialised in hunting down monsters, our senses were trained by Lord Ganesha himself. we can sense monsters and capture them better than any other familia because of it. that type of training doesn't just vanish."

"be that as it may, what other explanation do we have? he didn't sense the attack coming."

"what if he can't." Finn says as he took a deep breath. "what if Evilus found a way to make the sign disappear."

Riveria who was silent all this time stood up, her eyes wide open, she was looking at everyone in the tent, her mouth slowly opened, then she spoke.

"What if they've summoned them..."
everyone inside stopped, the silence was eery, everyone looked at the mage who is currently the strongest in Orario. "what if they tamed the monster, and summoned them, as every survivor said, they just appeared, no warning, no signs."

"Is that even possible?" an adventurer from Loki familia asked what everyone is thinking of right now.

deep down I wished it wasn't, that it was impossible, after all, with that weapon in their hand they have the potential to wipe out Orario whenever they want.

contemplating Riveria calculated the possibility in her head, she was biting her thumbs as cold sweat poured down her forehead.

"with Apate and her mages in Evilus... it's a possibility."

"Fuck..." Mia Grand spouts as she puts her hand in her face.

And I couldn't agree more, as I contemplated the information I received, I feel dejected, our time table to stop Evilus just moved up. And all I could say is...



hey good day, how y'all liking the story so far?

feel free to leave your comments and criticism so that I may improve the story and be a better writer for you guys to enjoy.

love you all.

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