Supervillains Can Be Rehabilitated

Start from the beginning

Razzmatazz giggles, handcuffs clinking as she pushes the pair of heart-shaped glasses up her nose. "Quickwit, it's been sooooo long! What kept you!?"

The sidekick rubs the back of his neck, sighing. "Sorry, Raz. Hero work has kept me busy, I'm actually here to escort a prisoner today after this"

Razzmatazz tilts her head owlishly, rainbow braids cascading over her shoulders. "I've been informed you have been doing astonishingly well—did you really defeat that new villain twice already?"

The sidekick nods. "I did, his name is Stygian. But how have you been? Are you taking your meds?"

The woman huffs, hair going a shade of purple. "Yes, I'm taking my medicine! I always take my meds."

Jay tries not to roll his eyes. She has a history of going off the deep end, so he's not sure how accurate that statement is. "I know, Raz. Keep taking them."

Razzmatazz leans toward the glass, eyes bright. "Tell me about Stygian. What kind of villain is he?"

The sidekick chuckles at her eagerness. Though he can't blame her, he imagines it's painfully boring here. "He's an activist who seems to take his missions to the extreme—but I'm still gathering data on him. so far, so I don't know much about his weaknesses or personality."

Raz nods, adjusting the yellow bucket hat she has manifested with her powers. "I hear they're debating naming him as a class A. Is that true?"

Jay hums. "The duration of his powers combined with their versatility makes me agree that's a real possibility."

"Nice! That's amazing, Witty! Who'd expect a C-class sidekick to take down an A-class Villain?"

Jay snorts. "I took you down, and you're A-class."

Razzmatazz pouts. "You didn't take me down, you just convinced me to hospitalize myself..."

"Our duel was legendary."

"You literally just told me to take my meds," she squawks.

Jay shakes his fist dramatically. "Nobody will forget how we fought until the sun rose."

"Are we still talking about the same event?" Razzmatazz cracks, laughing loudly. Jay can't help but join in, their voices echoing in the cold and empty building.

Suddenly though, the woman's voice cuts out abruptly. Jay looks up to see the reason why—Massasauga is stalking toward them, face contorted into a scowl.

The man approaches the glass, looking like he's observing a cockroach rather than a person.

Razzmatazz smiles eerily, braids going a stark red. "Hello there."

Massasauga declines to respond, turning his head to glare at his sidekick. "Let's go. We're not here to fraternize with the enemy."

Jay rises reluctantly, giving one last glance at his friend before following his partner down the hall. Before they make it to the courtyard though, Massasauga grabs Jay by the suit, slamming him into the wall.

Alarmed, the sidekick attempts to struggle away, only for the repugnant man to grasp him by the jaw, locking him in place.

"Listen here, you fucker," he growls, "you aren't a hero because you're hot shit."

Massasauga tightens his grip, bruising the skin under Jay's suit. "The only reason the Network ever contracted you is because it would make them look like crap if they didn't after you got lucky with Razzmatazz."

"Get off of me! I'll report you for this!" Jay growls, tightening his grip on his attacker.

But his partner only laughs cruelly. "Let me remind you where we stand, Quickwit. One of us is a beloved icon of the Texan Hero Network, and one of us is a stray sidekick who not even the most idiotic super would want as a partner."

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