Vol 2: Chapter 6: Island Exam part 2

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Chiaki started to think. Yes, formulate every possible scenario you can. It doesn't matter how much time it takes, divide the clues, connect the dots, step by step, step by step, again and again, until you reach a conclusion on your own.

Horikita didn't speak. I hope she sees the bigger picture sooner or later. If not, then I need to let her lead a special exam and fail.

We reached near the beach. As the endless sea came into view, we heard the sounds of engines. Jet Skies, barbecues, toilet, snacks, beach balls, everything. They bought most of the unnecessary things from the manual.

"What the hell is even going on? H-he spent all his points!" Horikita was beyond shocked.

Chiaki was shocked too.

Ishizaki approached us.

"Ryuen-san asked the three of you to meet him right now. Follow me"

We three nodded to each other.

"He is living like a king" Chiaki muttered.

Exactly. How wonderful.

"Hey. Were you the one secretly snooping around? What do you want from me, monster?"

"You're doing very good. This really looks like an extravagant spree." Horikita intervened.

Ryuen, who was tanning in the chair in his swimsuit, showed his white teeth.

"Who are you? Oh you are that scared little girl who was in the trial? You even made a stupid point right? Why a defect like you is wandering with a monster"

Ryuen's words made Horikita clench her fist.

"Well whatever, as you can see. We're enjoying summer vacation."

He said this spreading his hands, showing off the entertainment that fully unfolded on the beach.

"This is the exam. Do you understand what that means? Although I'm shocked that you don't understand the rules themselves..."

He was rather disappointed than delighted, I guess he is disappointed in Horikita. Well I don't know how many people is going to be disappointed in her in the future.

"Oh? I'm amazed. Once a defect always a defect. Even if you spent so much time near that monster, you didn't seem to have improved Suzune."

Horikita ignored his remarks and continued.

"If the ones at the top are incompetent, then those under will deal with hardships. That's only pitiful."

Ryuen only laughed, taking a plastic bottle of water that was next to the radio.

"How much did you use to enjoy this much of pleasure?" Chiaki asked the question.

"Hah. I wonder. I didn't neatly calculated." Without hiding, Ryuuen answered.

115 points.

"Jeez. It's already getting warmer. Hey, Ishizaki. Bring ice-cold water." He said, throwing away about half of the remaining water in sand provokingly.

Ishizaki, who was playing volleyball in vicinity, rushed to get the water into the tent. A large number of what appeared to be card-boxes with food and water were carelessly piled up in the tent. Sakazaki looked into a cooler box next to the boxes.

"As you can see we're only enjoying summer vacation. Basically, it's impossible for us to become your enemies during the trial. Do you understand?"

As if she's having a headache, Horikita pressed her forehead in not understanding , creating wrinkles between the eyebrows.

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