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The moment Hara's phone started ringing, my heart beats were going crazy, absolutely haywire.

Jimin offered to call her on my behalf but I refused immediately. I didn't want to mess this up more than how already it was. Yoongi, Jin and Hoseok were still seated where they were previously. All their eyes were glued to me making me more nervous.

"Hey Tata! How's my tiger doing?"

Hara's sweet voice filled my ear. She was still at the hospital, I could tell by all the noise around her.

"I'm doing..fine. Hara. How have you been?"

My voice shivered. I hoped she couldn't catch it.

"Tata? Are you okay? Why do you sound like that?"

Shit. It didn't go unnoticed by her then.

"It's.. nothing..just.."

I looked up to see everyone looking at me in anticipation. Their eyes were telling me to go for what I've called her.

"Tata, did you go outside without a mask? Do you have any symptoms? Tell me Tata. You're making me worried"

I failed her. I failed to not to make her worried. I failed to take care of her. She always protected me from everything since I was a kid and I wanted to do the same. But I faile..I failed miserably.

"Hara. Don't worry I'm fine. It's just..I miss you"

I heard her sighing over the phone.

"I miss you too my tiger. Please take care of yourself"

"Hara can you..."

I felt my throat getting dry. The words got stuck in my throat. I couldn't do it. I was being selfish. I knew.

"Can you come here.."

It barely came out as a whisper. Maybe she couldn't hear me. I hoped so.

You don't have to, if you can't. I understand you must be very busy with everything. But please take care of yourself too.

I wanted to add. Wanted but couldn't.

She remained silent. It was scaring me. I never anticipated silence in this kind of situation. I wanted to hear her. Something. Anything.

"I'll be there before you open your eyes. Now my tiger have something to eat and then sleep. You can do that for me, right?"

A silent sob left my mouth.


I heard someone calling her name and the call was cut short then.

One sob turned into many. I didn't want to appear weak. But these were uncontrollable. I felt Jimin's hands on my face again, continuosly wiping the running tears.

"Don't worry Tae. Everything will be fine... hopefully"

The last part was more like he was consoling himself because no one knew if everything would be fine or not.

"What did Harin noona say?"

"She'll be here"

Of course she'd come. I knew she couldn't stand my broken voice.

"I was thinking something you know"

"Jin. If you're going to talk about how horrible fashion sense we've then no one's intereste-"

"Shut it Hoseok. I'm being serious here."

Yoongi sighed again and shook his head. Jimin looked at them weirdly as if they were some kind of aliens. The irony.

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