[24] Will Ospreay [Wish]

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Pairing: Will centric, Pac x OC
[will's birthday fic is not as cute as the ones i wrote for penta and fenix but oh well!!]

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"Happy birthday, ya fuck!"

"Getting old, aren't ya, boss?"

"30's not old! The fuck does that mean for me, if it is?"

"You, bruv? I think you've got one foot in the grave already."

Will had known that his United Empire brothers would throw him one hell of a party to celebrate his 30th birthday but he hadn't expected them to put so much time and effort into it. They had gathered at O-Khan's home to laugh, drink, and utterly roast the fuck out of the beloved leader of their faction.

Before they could get into too much mischief, though, a convenient distraction gave Will the opportunity to slip away for a moment – a video call request from his favorite old friend.

"Tell Liz 'hi' for us!" Kyle called after Will as he scurried off towards the guest room.

"And tell her to tell the same to her mum!" Mark chimed in.

"You're free to message them both, you know! You've got their Twitter handles!" Will shook his head at Aussie Open with a laugh.

Ever since the company dinner between All Elite Wrestling and New Japan Pro Wrestling, Kyle and Mark had taken an interest in Elizabeth. It was strictly platonic, of course. More than anything, Will believed they just liked to give him a hard time about the woman he cared so much for.

Will answered the call before closing the door to the guest room behind him. As the video loaded in, he sat down on the bed and adjusted the position of his camera.

"Hey!" Elizabeth wore a beaming smile as she appeared on his screen. She looked beautiful, albeit a bit tired. Her hair was tousled and messier than usual but it was a nice look on her. "Happy birthday, Will!"

With the time difference, Will figured that Elizabeth had likely just woken up. He wasn't entirely sure how early it was over in the states, but if he had to guess, the sun probably hadn't been up for long.

"Thanks, Liz," The grin that Will wore was genuine. "You look like you've been through a fuckin' storm, though. You just wake up?"

That brought a laugh from the woman, a sound he cherished. "Yeah. Yeah, I did. I meant to call you earlier but I overslept. I only woke up when I heard Pac getting in the shower."

Although he tried his best to hide it, the mention of Elizabeth's boyfriend was enough to cause an aching in Will's chest. It seemed as though no matter what he did, no matter how hard he tried, he would always be reminded of the fact that Elizabeth's heart belonged to Pac now. That she no longer loved Will the way that she had when they were just teens preparing to begin their journey into the world of professional wrestling.

"It's good to hear from you," Will continued on with a joking tone, "You're a welcome change from the idiots I've been with all day."

"Ahh, so you're spending the night with your boys, huh? Be sure to tell Mark and Kyle that I said 'hello,' will you?"

Will couldn't help but to laugh. "Are all of you incapable of talking to each other? They told me to tell you the same thing! Mark even wanted you to say 'hi' to mum, if you can believe it!"

This only made Elizabeth laugh along with him. "I'll make sure to send her a text and let her know how loved she is!"

"You should," Will agreed. While he thought the shared thoughts between Elizabeth and Aussie Open were funny, what brought him more joy than anything was the happy look on Elizabeth's face. "She sent me a cute little video of her and your dad this morning. I guess I'm back on their good side again."

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