[31] Kevin Nash [Defend]

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Pairing: Platonic!KliqOT5, Kevin Nash centric

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"Hey man, can I run this finish by you real quick?"

"Kev, where's my beer? I had it around it here, somewhere."

"If Bret doesn't shut his fucking mouth I'm going to just kill him, and I guess I'll just have to claim it was self defense."

"I can't even see straight right now, let alone find my way to the arena."

The Kliq, professional wrestling's most notorious group of heat-seekers, garnered a bad reputation over the years that wasn't entirely unwarranted. All five men had their flaws and their bad traits, but at the end of the day, there really wasn't anything that they valued more than the bond that held them together like some sort of super glue. They were as close as five men could be, and without one another, they were like lost puppies trying to find their ways home. It was their unity that brought them to higher levels in their personal and professional lives.

Of course, everything has a center; in this case, we're referring to the center of the super glue like bond that the Kliq shared. When it all boiled down to it, there was one key member of the Kliq that connected them all, the one that each of the other four could go to as a (somewhat) wise mentor. The one that would be there to pick them up each and every time they fell, no matter how stupid they may have been. The one that could - and would - most certainly kick the ass of anyone that even glanced rudely in the direction of his brothers.

And, most importantly, the one that could reach all of the items on the top shelf.

Yes, despite Kevin not being the oldest member of the group (that honor went to Scott, who was just under a year his senior), there wasn't a more level-headed man in the Kliq. Paul was a strong second, but when it came to Shawn, Scott, and Sean, Paul couldn't wrangle their madness (or stupidity) the same way that Kevin could.

Even since the early days of his friendships with his mates, Kevin had done everything he could to look out for them. That wasn't to say that he never grew frustrated with them, because quite frankly, he did; the aforementioned mischievous trio were especially skilled at grinding on his nerves. At the end of the day though, regardless of what poor decisions they made, they were still Kevin's brothers; he loved them.

Throughout the nearly 30 years of the Kliq being together, they'd been through it all, experiencing the highest of highs and the lowest of lows. They'd parted ways between wrestling companies in the mid nineties and tossed young Sean back and forth from the WWF to WCW like a bastard child. Amidst all of that, Scott, Shawn, and Sean had been overcome by their personal demons that had haunted them for years.

It was hard for Kevin – how could it not be? His friends, the ones that he'd given all of his blood, sweat, and tears to for years were self-destructing. He could only watch from afar as the three fought the toughest battles of their lives; the ones against themselves.

Of course, Kevin helped them as much as he could. He encouraged Shawn as he found salvation in Christ and he, along with the help of Paul, led Sean and Scott into rehab several times. When Scott finally turned a corner in his life through the help of Dallas Page, Kevin happily cheered him on. Not long after Scott began to flourish, the same could be said for Sean.

When Kevin was inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame Class of 2015, he was able to celebrate his well-deserved achievement in the company of his best friends in the entire world. The best part of it was that, for the first time in their friendship, they'd all been relatively healthy and in a good state of mind. For the first time, Kevin didn't feel as if he had to constantly keep an eye out for his pals because they were doing just fine on their own.

Although, even in their older ages, Kevin still found himself looking out for his brothers. Regardless of how much life blessed them, he was still ready to take shots at anyone who spoke ill of any of them. He'd talk some trash on Twitter if he needed to, but he much preferred to shit talk in shoot interviews! The best moments were when he did an interview with Scott or Sean and they were able to take jabs at others together; it was just funnier that way.

Kevin's favorite part of the Kliq's new found wellness, though, was the fact that they were all able to meet up more regularly than before. It was still difficult, due mainly to Paul's ever-present role in the WWE, but it was possible now. There had been a point between 2007 and 2013 where a full Kliq meet-up couldn't be done; Scott and Sean, unfortunately, were never both in a well-enough state for it. Now, though, as long as it was in Paul's schedule, very little could stop the guys from meeting up if they so desired.

Throughout all of the trials and tribulations that the Kliq had gone through, as Kevin looked back through the years, he found himself realizing that he wouldn't change a damn thing about any of it. Sure, he'd take away all of the suffering that they'd all been through if he could, but as he looked down at his best friends in the entire world, he couldn't be happier with how things were now.

Whatever shit was yet to come, the Kliq would take it on as a team; and, if need be, Kevin wasn't afraid to still kick some ass.

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