[41] Stone Cold [Smoke]

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Pairing: Stone Cold Steve Austin x Female Reader

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In the fifteen years that (Name) and Steve had been together, she had never once thought that she would see the day that her lover would take his last sip of alcohol. If anything, she had figured that Steve would spend his last moments chugging a cold one.

However, it seemed that Steve was finally ready to quit drinking once and for all. He had grown tired of the hold that alcohol had over him, the unhealthy ways that he allowed it to rule his life. With the help of Diamond Dallas Page, whose yoga program had been helping Steve tremendously, a decision had been made by the rattlesnake.

Stone Cold Steve Austin was ready to be sober.

Of course, there was no way that Steve would be able to quit cold turkey. In order for him to move past such a long-term addiction, he would need a little bit of help from an outside source. Steve put a lot of thought into it and after a long internal debate, he realized that the solution was obvious.

Steve could replace his alcohol with marijuana. Instead of being drunk, he could be (medically) high. If nothing else, it would take away some of the pain that his years in the wrestling business had given him, right?

"Are you sure you want to do this, Steve?" (Name) asked with a raised brow. She and Steve were communicating over a video call; the former WWF champion had his tablet propped up on the kitchen table in front of him. His wife was currently in her hotel room in Florida, where she had gone to visit with the newest class of NXT recruits. "Pot's a lot different from booze."

"Yeah, I know." Steve replied gruffly as he looked down at the blunt in his hands. "I'm replacing the Devil's piss with his grass. Two totally different beasts."

"I thought you didn't even like that stuff, anyway?" (Name) wanted to laugh as she watched Steve study his blunt. She'd smoked her fair share in her time, but she'd never known Steve to give a damn about such things. He'd always been loyal to his beer.

"Ah, it's not my favorite," Steve shrugged indifferently. "'Tried it a couple of times back in the day and didn't see the big deal in it. Seems like this is what all the guys are into in their old age and I figure, fuck, if anything can help me quit drinkin', it's this."

Although (Name) didn't quite believe Steve, she gave him a nod and smile in response. He had his mind set on giving pot another shot, so who was she to try and convince him otherwise?

Besides, she had a front-row seat to the action. (Name) was hopeful that she would at least get a laugh out of watching her husband smoke.

"What are you waiting for?" (Name) teased after Steve grew quiet. "Go on. Toke it up, big boy."

Steve stared at his wife on the screen and gave her a little grin, one that tugged at her heart every time she saw it. "All right. Fine. Fuck it. Let's give this bitch a shot."

(Name) watched with amusement as Steve brought the blunt to his mouth and rested it on the edge of his lips. He lifted a lighter from the table and after flicking a flame into existence, he brought the fire to the end of the wrap. As smoke began to waft from the blunt, Steve inhaled deeply on it.

Within seconds, Steve erupted into a fit of coughs. The smoke had filled his lungs quickly and deeply, the way that he supposed most smokers adored. (Name) had begun to giggle from her hotel room, cracking up at the way he reacted to the smoke.

"This shit tastes like shit," Steve coughed, trying to clear his throat to no avail. "I don't get it."

"You're going to have to hit it more than once to get a good buzz, baby," (Name) clicked her tongue before sending Steve a devilish smile.

"Fuck," Steve sighed while looking down at the smoking joint. "I guess so. Fuck it. Again."

And so he took another hit, this time smaller. He inhaled a good bit of the smoke, but he didn't fill his lungs to the point of needing to cough. Steve figured it was as close to perfect as you could get with that sort of thing.

"There you go!" (Name) playfully cheered. "That's better."

Steve didn't reply. He just scrunched his nose and went back for another hit.

Like the true trooper he was, Steve pushed through until he had smoked the entire blunt. A buzz had begun to take over him by that point, but he didn't think that it was anything special. If anything, Steve was greatly disappointed. He had hoped that marijuana would be the miracle drug that helped him quit drinking, but his hopes had been crushed.

If anything, he disliked it so much that it made him want to drink more. That definitely wasn't a good sign.

"Babe, I'm done with this," Steve sighed heavily as he slunk down into his chair. His red-ringed eyes were focused on the digital image of his wife. "This ain't shit. I've had shits that were more helpful than this."

"You look like you're soaring at least a little right now, honey," (Name) laughed once more, though by this point she had already had her fun. Steve wasn't going to be as high as she had hoped for comedy purposes, and if nothing else, he just looked sad. "At least you only got one joint. Now that it's gone, you don't have to worry about it anymore."

"Trust me, I'm not gonna worry about it," Steve had begun to sink down even more. "Shit, I just wanna lay here."

Despite (Name)'s faint protests of trying to get Steve to head to the bedroom or the living room, he continued to slide further and further down in his chair until he inevitably fell onto the floor. Even though Steve had tried to deny it, he had gotten high; very high.

"Goodnight, baby," Steve cooed as he curled up on the floor. "Love you. See ya soon."

"Goodnight, Steve. I love you too," (Name) shook her head, a small smile on her face. "Call me when you wake up, okay?"

"Mmkay," He muttered, his eyes wide and locked on the chair he had last been sitting on.

(Name) didn't end the video chat with Steve; instead, she plugged her phone into the charger and propped it up on her nightstand. She knew that Steve would come to his senses eventually, and she wanted to be there when he realized that he'd just spent the past however long on the floor. Besides, she had to make sure that Steve didn't do anything insanely stupid while he was high.

Even if marijuana wasn't the cure-all drug Steve had hoped it would be, (Name) knew that if he set his heart to it, he would be able to kick his alcohol addiction. All it would take is just a little bit of time.

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