✡️ 14. Necromancy ✡️

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Just as we came across this path in the jungle, I got an eerie feeling. It was like in the moment where I was near the statue of my mom. The trees were dead. No leaves, looked all dark and black, the branches looked like they were scary figures and the ground was all black with rocks and sand. The air suddenly got so dense that I felt like there was something or someone watching me. It wasn't just one but many. When I turned back, Lancelot was nowhere to be found. It was just me, standing in front of this path, all abandoned and having goosebumps all over my body. This felt like back at school where that dark entity tried to kill me and Ten. I quickly looked around to see if there were dark shadows like back then. To my dismay, there were none.

It was at this moment that my body started to tense up. All the fear and terror rushed through my body like an electric wave that was hard to control. I wrapped my hands around my body as I slowly started to walk. There was no other way I could walk too. This was the only path that was visible for me. The more I looked for another path, the more the mist would rise making everything hard to see. The mist was really thick. This was the moment where I felt like I needed Luca around, because he knew what to do at this moment.

My legs ached even more as I kept walking. As I walked, I suddenly saw a vision. In this vision was Luca. It was that memory in my head of seeing him when I was really young. Just then, someone else caught my eyes in the vision. I was surprised to see Lancelot there as well. He was leaning against the wall next to Luca. It was like he was more in the dark that it was hard to see if anyone else was there. Luca was talking to a man who had golden blonde hair and who had a formal suit on. But his suit looked more of royalty than of a normal human outfit.

Before I could even hear their voices, my vision was cut off by noises coming from nearby trees. I quickly stilled in place as I turned and looked from left to right in fear as I knew I was even sweating now. Usually, I don't get this scared but the atmosphere around me made me feel this way. Just then I heard wolves howling. Their howling wasn't that far away, but pretty close by. Without any hesitation, I started to run. I didn't care at all and just ran. I didn't even know how to use my powers like everyone else, so I didn't have anything with me to use for defence. I should have asked for something from Luca for defence.

I ran even faster as I heard footsteps behind me and the howling of the wolves got even closer. To the sound of my running, there were a bunch of crows in the trees. They scattered in a hurry as they saw me coming. Two crows bumped in front of my face as I quickly used my hands to cover myself. I stumbled back and fell to how many crows there were. There were also a few vultures around that looked like they were ready to eat me alive. Wincing in pain, I got up and ran. But, I quickly stopped as I was right on the edge of a cliff. Just then, I heard the growls. I turned around to be met with a huge pack of wolves. It was like I was surrounded by every animal at this moment. As I looked for an escape route, my hands, neck and the right side of my face started to hurt like someone was burning them.

I stretched my arms to see and I was shocked to find my black runes glow silver. It's like a small light switch that's getting dim and bright. My eyes started to see stars when all of a sudden, my hands held black and grey smoke. It wasn't fire, but smoke that looked like they were coming out of my hands. I tried to shake it off but they didn't. They stuck to my hands like glue. Like an electric shock, my hands, neck and side of my face started to ache. This became so painful that I let out screams.

Three wolves dashed towards me all of a sudden. When I closed my eyes and stretched my hands for cover, I suddenly didn't feel anything on me. When I opened my eyes I was shocked to find that I had shot smoke balls out of my hands at the wolves and they laid unconscious on the ground. For a second, I stood there in disbelief and utter shock of what I just did. The whole bunch of crows in the trees suddenly flew right towards me and the harder I stared at them, one by one the crows started to fall like dead birds. I ran towards the crows to check and they really were dead. Their necks were broken. Do I have telepathic killing abilities? This is not a good ability at all. It was like dark magic.

The Knight Of Zuke | Book 1 #NaNoWriMoHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin