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It smells like hypocrisy - Yeon Bo-Ra.

Of our companions, Ae-Sol and I were the only ones who still hadn't managed to get out from under the wire bed. In my case, no matter how much I pushed myself with my legs and even with my elbows, I only managed to move slowly and increase the pain that I already felt. I was more stunned by the fact that some had already completed the obstacles and therefore were going to repeat the wire bed, but here I was still unable to get out.

I squeezed the firearm between my hands when I felt how my hair began to come out of the helmet and therefore to fill a little sand.

I didn't mind sweating so much because anyway I'm one of those people who doesn't suffer from bad smell in the armpits and other areas, and I don't sweat easily either. What I do hate is that I will be all sticky from sweat and sand.

I closed my eyes tightly and grunted as I felt how the sand began to enter my school shirt, gradually reaching those places that the sun cannot illuminate.

Not there, please not there.

— Get out of there! — The first lieutenant demanded again when he noticed how, despite being the last ones, we were still not leaving. And there were still five more laps to go.

That's what I'm trying to sir they made-me-come! Don't yell at me that I'm angry with you too!

I snorted with satisfaction as soon as I saw how the end of the wire bed seemed to appear before my eyes, I looked down and settled the weapon between my breasts, I stretched my hands to the edge of the wire bed and tried to push myself forward, but I failed.

Was i exerting the driving force in reverse?

I tried again, failing. And seeing out of the corner of my eye how Ae-Sol managed to get out didn't help me at all.

Mom, Dad, sometimes I get mad that I was raised so delicate and overprotective way.

Calloused hands took mine and I was startled to feel myself being pulled like a sack of potatoes out of the bed of wire. I yelled, closing my eyes as my face almost hit the edge and gasping as they sat me down, widening my eyes to realize I hadn't been hit.

Phew! That was close.

Private Kim urged me on by tapping my shoulders and I turned around quickly trying to get up, tripping over my legs when they gave out slightly.

Hey, no no no! Not today! They may be in pain and want to give in but Not today!

I ignored the pain and got up heading towards some huge tubes that were lying on the sand, through which I stepped carefully not to hit myself in the attempt, dazed when I heard the shriek that came from my throat every time I inhaled and exhaled.

Hearing that is not good, it means danger!

Note to self: tell my boyfriend to teach me a breathing method for when I'm working out.

I got out of the metal tube tripping over my feet again feeling how my head throbbed, seeing how little stars began to appear around Na-Ra.

No matter the dizziness, you keep going.

Don't show weakness.

It doesn't matter if Na-Ra starts to walk backwards? Well, it doesn't matter.

I came to some tires stuck together in the sand and I hesitated for a moment, mistrusting myself and the little strength from my legs.

Will I be able to pass the tires without falling? They're attached to each other, so it's probably easier because of their closeness.

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