Prologue + Introduction

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This is a story about Alexis... And his friend, Sean! But we need to know our little guys before we even begin the story first, and foremost! so let's start with the introductions of these before the story begins, shall we?

- Alexis.

- Appearance. Alexis is a dark-skinned man with white patches who is around 21. His hair color is a medium dark brown, his hair is mostly seen in a ponytail, and he wears a red hoodie, he is always seen wearing fingerless gloves that travel up to his elbows at least. His pants tend to be a medium dark grey, and his eye color is a green. and lastly, his height is around 5'4.

- Personality + Story. His personality is bitter-sweet, and he always puts himself before others, he acts cold-hearted, awkward and/or nervous towards some depending on the person, there have been times where he was known to lash out at other people due to stuff happening at home changing his mood such as small arguments with Sean. But the way he calms himself down is just spending time with the ones he loves and cares about, like Sean! He does not have a job and he lives with Sean for the time being, and when he was a kid, he once saw this door that led to somewhere... Otherworldly, his dreams always told him to never enter, however. He also had reoccurring dreams and/or nightmares ever since he saw it, which eventually lead to him having weird visions. Alexis hasn't gotten any sleep from this, either. He doesn't remember this childhood memory.


- Sean.

- Appearance. Sean is a medium light skinned man in his 20s, like Alexis. his hair is this medium light Caramel color (Idk how to explain rlly). His hair is very poofy and short, He wears a grey overcoat with a white button up shirt plus a pink bow(?). His pants are a medium dark grey and he has a pink belt. Sean's eye color is hazel. And lastly, his height is 6'1. Taller than Alexis! Haha L--/j

- Personality + Story. His personality is happy and outgoing yet also tired, he will find ways to make his friends and family happy before he can make himself happy first. He is a very well-known employee at the place he works at, he rarely gets mad and has learnt to deal with a lot of stuff, he has been worried about Alexis and his recent behavior, he has tried to find ways to calm Alexis and get his mind off of this assumingly never-ending nightmare of stress, tiredness, and so on. He is a nerd, and he will ramble on about any of his hyperfixations. Like parappa the rapper!

Will update when I think of anything new, any who, LETSAGO!


It was May 5th, 2023. 9:29 AM.

Alexis was writing notes, as he was writing something into a little personal journal, he always wrote stuff in a Journal, mostly when he was planning something, anything. He sighed in exhaustion but continued on.

After roughly around 4 hours of Alexis planning a visit to his parents' house, Alexis put all his stuff away for the time being and decided to sit down on the bed beside him. Sean noticed Alexis looking exhausted and sat next to him, looking at him with a look of sympathy and concern.

"You seem tired! How long have you been planning this out? It's just a vacation, silly!" Sean commented with a smile, Alexis sighed as he returned the smile and answered back.

"I just want to make sure I have most of my stuff with me. Since I'll be staying at my parents' place for a while, I guess... But you're free to come over, mom and dad once said, 'Any friend of Alexis is a friend of mine', Afterall." Sean listened in and nodded calmly as he gave Alexis a hug. Alexis hugged back and chuckled quietly.

"I'm sure going to miss you for a while, buddy!" Sean replied with a pouty tone. The man had this lonesome stare planted onto his face. So, Alexis tried to cheer him up. He put on a reassuring hand on Sean's shoulder.

"No need to feel all sad, Sean. After all. It is only for 5 days, dude... What's the worst that could happen?" Alexis reassured the man. Sean's mood slightly changed as he smiled softly and chuckled, it made Alexis feel happy, too. Sean stopped hugging him and gave Alexis a warm cup of peppermint tea. Sean then got up and walked over to a nearby desk and started writing stuff for later. 

After a few minutes of Alexis laying there and shuffling around on the bed, Alexis was finally asleep, but he had a dream, it was about the door, and it was... Him approaching it. And suddenly, getting absorbed through a portal that was seen through the door. After a good few minutes of him stirring and turning in his sleep, he got startled awake. Sean saw him jolt up in a panic and he looked over at Alexis with a worry some look on his face.

"..Oh- Another weird dream I suppose, Alexis..?" Sean asked softly and Alexis slightly nodded, holding his head with one hand as he began trying to process the dream correctly. 

After, he got up and approached Sean slowly, staring deeply into his eyes. "Dude- You got to believe me, Sean! These dreams mean SOMETHING! and I mean, SOMETHING! I've been telling you this for 3 days straight! Yo- you-!" Alexis exclaimed in worry, Sean sighed as he hugged him for a second, then he looked at his phone's clock, and then he suddenly got up from his desk and walked to the door.

Alexis raised a brow, confused from the action with no warning. "Where.. Are you going, man?" Alexis asked, but Sean seemed like he was in a rush, so he only answered with "Work." and bolted outside of his humble abode, leaving Alexis all alone in his home. 

He sighed and decided, it was a good day to go for a small stroll around the town since there's not much to do at the moment, so he got up from the couch and stretched a little before waltzing out the door. His house was near a forest, so he decided to take a walk to the nearby town before he went to the forest.

Alexis was walking towards the closest store to buy some groceries, in which he did. He also bought a nice, gold chain-linked necklace for Sean, from when he gets home from work. 

Then he travelled back home. he placed the groceries on a nearby table and the necklace on Sean's desk, then left to take a little stroll in the forest.

After what seemed like 1 hour, Alexis had got bored and groaned in annoyance. "Just why am I doing this again?" He asked himself as he continued walking.

Eventually, he stumbled upon a very weird tree that has a door... The SAME door Alexis kept seeing in his dreams. Alexis rubbed his eyes. "Is this a dream? Am I in a dream!? No, that can't be real." Alexis thought, his face had one's look of disbelief plastered across it. He approached the door, albeit slowly. The air suddenly began feeling heavy with an eerie tension as he got closer, causing Alexis to tremble very lightly. 

Alexis handled the door Infront of him, dreading what he could see on the other side, until he stared into what seemed like a swirly black and pale-green portal that had been revealed. The man's eyes widened with surprise, now interested and enamored by the sight in front of him. He took one step into the door and almost immediately it felt... Weird, almost like a water-texture. 

He kept taking a few more steps in before falling into a wormhole of flashy colors, random noises, and swirly shapes. In an act of fear, he shut his eyes and prepared for the worst. "OH GOD, OH GOD...THIS- THIS MIGHT BE IT..." He yelped as he continued to spiral down the colorful portal.

A few minutes later, Alexis was seen unconscious as he was panicked and dizzy from the tension and flashing colors. But he wasn't at home anymore, instead, he was next to this big stone wall covered in green vines. It seemed to have crumbled a little over the years, but was still in good shape to stand on top of.

 A kind-looking figure stood there as it looked at Alexis with a confused expression; alongside a bit of worry, the figure had medium dark skin, they were wearing a dark seasick sort of green colored turtleneck, their pants were dark brown and they had sharp teeth, their hair was medium length. Hair color being dark orange.

The individual continued to stare at the unconscious man for a few seconds, before poking him gently, no response. "..Hello?" the man spoke calmly, poking the unconscious man yet again


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