Chapter 2

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Alexis woke up in his house back at 'home', Sean was there but... Worried. Alexis noticed and approached Sean from behind and went to tap him, something about this didn't feel real however, Sean looked at Alexis; Dumbfounded, he approached Alexis and gave him a hug, happy tears forming in Sean's eyes. Alexis was instantly confused and better yet; concerned. 

"..Sean? Why are you crying?-" Alexis asked, Sean just kept Alexis close as he answered, with his voice broken down, almost inaudible.

"Y-you were gone for 2 months, Alexis! I missed you, SO. MUCH! Y-you don't even know...!" Alexis, upon hearing this was beyond perplexed, 2 months!? He was gone for THAT long Already? Alexis swore it felt like a day. Alexis sighed and eventually hugged him back, his face looked very confused as Alexis spoke.

"..Well- I'm here now, Sean. It's okay now. Don't- Don't cry." He was just trying to reassure Sean that everything was okay, it worked, and Sean's mood changed. He was happy again. Sean had this big smile on his face, same with Alexis. He, Alexis was still confused though, he looked around the house and found out that the necklace he left for Sean was gone... He looked at Sean with a confused look, and finally decided to ask:

"..Where's the necklace I gave you yeste- I mean.. Uhm, 2 months ago?" Alexis raised an eyebrow, and Sean was now confused as-well. It was almost like Alexis never even left a necklace for him in the first place.

"..Hm... What necklace?" Sean asked Alexis. Confused, Alexis stared at him like he was stupid or something. And that's when he knew SOMETHING was wrong but couldn't quite figure it out just yet. Alexis was going to say something. But before he did, Sean started maniacally laughing. Alexis was confused as he took 2 steps back.

"PPFFF.. HAH! Your reaction is funny... Did I trick you well, Alexis?" Sean asked as he tilted his head to the side. Alexis looked confused and a little scared, he kept backing up while Sean approached, more. And more. 

Suddenly, Sean's skin started to melt, his whole-body deforming in horrible, horrible ways. Until "Sean" finally took the form of a specific somebody, NHOLARE. Nholare's face looked very unhinged, their pupils were gone so there was nothing but white, there was also black liquid coming out of their eyes, Alexis was horrified at the sight, he backed up until he reached the wall. Nholare approached him, spawning their fancy scythe in hand.

"..NHOLARE? What the fuck do you want from me?" Alexis asked as he backed up slightly. Nholare didn't say anything, instead, they were going to stab Alexis with the scythe, until suddenly... The bells rang. Causing everyone, including Alexis to wake up. Alexis was horrified, Oskar, Gracelyn and Artemis saw Alexis' horrified expression, but only Oskar and Artemis approached him.

"Alexis! Are you okay?! Did something happen while you were asleep?" Both Oskar and Artemis asked Alexis in unison. Alexis just stared before shaking his head and snapping back to his senses. He gave them a thumbs up, he was indeed okay, but he didn't bother explaining to them about what happened. Artemis and Oskar were relieved while Gracelyn only rolled her eyes, being the asshole she is. Oskar noticed Gracelyn and gave her a little nudge on the shoulder, Gracelyn was unamused.

"...Ah right-! We got to get ready, the ball starts in 11 minutes." Oskar awkwardly exclaimed, Alexis got up and went over to the nearby wardrobe and got dressed, minutes later he got out, his outfit was glamourous, the shirt was this dark calm green tuxedo suit with a red flower on it, he had a hat that was a dark blue with pretty red flowers and vines over it, alongside; some dark red and blue gradient heels, Artemis looked at Alexis in awe and held him close in a 1-minute hug before letting go, and going to get dressed as well.

★彡[.Fantasy Forest.]彡★Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant